MPEG-1的视频图像序列由帧内图像、预测图像和 (1) 构成,其中 (2) 的数据量最少。MPEG-1视频编码的运动补偿是基于 (3) 的宏块进行的,图像的DCT编码是在 (4) 颜色空间进行的。
There are four basic types of
competition in business that form a continuum from pure competition through
monopolistic competition and oligopoly (商品供应垄断) to monopoly. At one end of the
continuum, pure competition results when every company has a similar product.
Companies that deal in commodities such as wheat or corn are often involved in
pure competition. In pure competition, it is often the ease and efficiency of
distribution that influences purchase. In contrast, in monopolistic competition, several companies may compete for the sale of items that may be substituted. The classic example of monopolistic competition is coffee and tea. If the price of one is perceived as too high, consumers may begin to purchase the other. Coupons and other discounts (折扣) are often used as part of a marketing strategy to influence sales. Olig A. It is not unusual for all companies to increase prices at the same time. B. It is common for companies to compete for customers by lowering prices. C. Customers may lose money when companies have price wars. D. Prices are lower during price wars, but they are usually higher afterward. [判断题]挂失期满,如持卡人因身体原因确实不能亲自前来办理,则须由发卡行人员亲自陪同办理委托代办手续。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]回流线最大弛度时与建筑物间的最小垂直距离( )mm。(1分)
A.2000 B.2400 C.2500 D.3000 [判断题]一个工作负责人不能同时执行多张工作票,工作票上所列的工作地点,以一个电气连接部分为限。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]基站子系统由两部分组成,分别是:()、()
[单选题]国际上对饭店的等级一般以星级来划分,以( )为最高级
A.五星级 B.白金五星级 C.六星级 D.七星级 [单项选择]下列有关施工成本分析依据的表述中,错误的是()。
A. 业务核算的范围比会计、统计核算要广,因为业务核算不但可以对已经发生的,而且还可以对尚未发生或正在发生的经济活动进行核算 B. 资产、负债、所有者权益、营业收入,成本、利润六要素指标,主要是通过会计来核算 C. 业务核算的目的在于迅速取得资料,在经济活动中及时采取措施进行调整 D. 统计核算的计量尺度和会计相同,可以用货币计算,也可以用实物或劳动量计量 [判断题]净息差水平高,表明银行付息负债融资成本较高,生息资产收益水平较低。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]严禁()驾驶分公司所有车辆;严禁出私车,酒后驾车。
[判断题]高碳钢经淬火、中温回火后,则具有很高强度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]绝缘手套工频耐压试验周期为半年。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题] 重大事故隐患治理方案内容不包括经费和物资的落实。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人体如果血液流失量占人体总血量的( )时,即可使人出现失血性休克。
A.20% B.30% C.40% D.50% [单选题]室外消火栓间距不应超过( )m。
A.60 B.100 C.120 D.150 [判断题]桥式整流电路中,若其中一个二极管出现短路,则其输出电压为直流电压( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]赤道是地球表面的点随地球自转产生的轨迹中周长最长的圆周线。它把地球分为南北两半球,其以北是北半球,以南是南半球,是划分纬度的基线。下列关于赤道的说法正确的是:( )
A.赤道的纬度是0° B.赤道经过的海洋有太平洋、印度洋和北冰洋 C.赤道附近主要的气候都是热带气候 D.赤道附近的城市比较著名的有新加坡 我来回答: 提交