The more time scientists spend
designing computers, the more they marvel at the human brain. Tasks that stump
the most advanced supercomputer--recognizing a face, reading a handwritten
note--are child’s play for the 3-lb. organ. Most important, unlike any
conventional computer, the brain can learn from its mistakes. Researchers have
tried for years to program computers to imitate the brain’s abilities, but
without success. Now a growing number of designers believe they have the answer:
if a computer is to function more like a person and less like an over-grown
calculator, it must be built more like a brain, which distributes information
across a vast interconnected web of nerve cells, or neurons. Conventional computers function by following a chainlike sequence of detailed instructions. Although very fast, their processors A. the conventional computer and the neural computer B. the lockstep approach and the artificial approach C. sharing information and performing tasks D. making decisions and recognizing patterns [判断题]登记簿登记错误,可以在记载错误的地方涂改、挖补、刀刮、皮擦、使用涂改液销蚀。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 气割时选择的火焰种类是( )。
A.碳化焰 B.中性焰 C.氧化焰 D.以上均可 [填空题]起重机的工作寿命( ),钢丝绳工作寿命( )抓斗电缆工作寿命( )。
A. 调节反射消失 B. 眼球轻度突出 C. 瞳孔光反射消失 D. 角膜反射消失 E. 瞳孔缩小 [单项选择]某年,国内某电视台在综合报道了当年的诺贝尔各项奖金的获得者的消息后,做了以下评论:今年又有一位华裔科学家获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,这是中国人的骄傲。但是到目前为止,还没有中国人获得诺贝尔经济学奖和诺贝尔文学奖,看来中国在人文社会科学方面的研究与世界先进水平相比还有比较大的差距。
以上评论中所得出的结论最可能把以下哪项断定作为隐含的前提 A. 中国在物理学等理科研究方面与世界先进水平的差距在逐步缩小。 B. 中国的人文科学有先进的理论基础和雄厚的历史基础,目前和世界先进水平的差距是不正常的。 C. 诺贝尔奖是衡量一个国家某个学科发展水平的重要标志。 D. 诺贝尔奖的评比在原则上对各人种是公平的,但实际上很难做到。 [多选题]找到服装弊病的关键在于找到( )。
A.形体与结构的关系 B.胸部的结构 C.背部的结构 D.领口的结构 E.上下装结构平衡的关键部位 [判断题]通过RRC消息Identityresponse可以获知对应UE的IMEI或者IMSI
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交