Questions 51-55 are based on the following
passage. During the long vacation I was accepted as a trainee bus conductor. I found the job fiercely demanding even on a short route with a total of about two dozen passengers. I pulled the wrong tickets, forgot the change and wrote up my log at the end of each trip in a way that drew hollow laughter from the inspectors. The inspectors were likely to swoop at any time. A conductor with twenty years’ service could be dismissed if an inspector caught him accepting money without pulling a ticket. If a hurrying passenger pressed the fare into your hand as he leapt A. He wasn’t tall enough. B. The bus went too fast. C. People refused to pay. D. He couldn’t move. [单选题]提出程序教学并为计算机辅助教学提供理论基础的心理学家是( )
A.斯金纳 B.布鲁纳 C.加涅 D.桑代克 [单选题]dc指数法适用于()地层。
A.所有 B.玄武岩 C.碳酸盐 D.泥页岩 [填空题]热风炉悬链线拱顶是指()。
[判断题] 无调中转作业技检时间为35min,有调中转作业技检时间为40min。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下概念正确者是
A. 交会穴即两经相交的腧穴 B. 郄穴是各经经气深聚的部位 C. 募穴是各经经气汇集在四肢部的腧穴 D. 俞穴是脏腑经气输注于背腰部的腧穴 [单项选择]其教学法被称做“产婆术”的教育家是( )。
A. 亚里士多德 B. 苏格拉底 C. 昆体良 D. 夸美纽斯 [单选题]各级单位健全交通安全保证和监督体系,( )切实履行本单位交通安全第一责任人职责,对本单位交通安全管理与监督负全面责任。
A.主要领导 B.后勤部门负责人 C.安监部门负责人 D.运检部门负责人 [单选题]黄连汤与半夏泻心汤药物组成的不同点是:
A.有桂枝无人参 B.有黄芩无半夏 C.有桂枝无黄芩 D.有黄芩无干姜 E.有桂枝无半夏 [单项选择]若以下选项中的变量全部为整形变量,且已正确定义并赋值,则语法正确的switch语句是()
A. switch(a+9){ case c1: y=a-b; case c2: y=a+b; } [判断题]喷气燃料固体颗粒污染物实验中试样未过滤完时,应补充报告实际过滤的试样体积,以“L”表示。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单选题】入党、选送院校培养、骨干配备的对象,应从( )中产生。
A.党员 B.优秀消防员 C.团员 D.大学生消防员 我来回答: 提交