There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that our brain processes information in at least two major systems. The image system appears to be associated with the right hemisphere of the brain. This hemisphere seems to be specialized to process visual and auditory imagery, spatial representation, pure melodic thought, fantasy, and the emotional components of consciousness. Imagery allows us to continue to process information when we are not actively looking at or listening to new stimuli, It reproduces the sounds or sights of the past, enriching our thoughts, dreams, or fantasies with a sense of "actuality" or context. As a coding system, imagery operates by what is called "parallel" processing, e. g., we imagine the face of a friend in one instantaneous configuration.
The lexical system is largely coordinated through the left hemisphere of the brain, and its chief functions include language and grammatical organization, abstract conceptualizatio
A. Writing music and forming mental picture.
B. Processing sounds and sights.
C. Making our thoughts, dreams and fantasies more vivid.
D. Producing new ideas and thoughts.
罗厚森是一家著名大型物流公司的职员,年纪不大的他已经在事业上小有成就,是同学、朋友圈中令人羡慕的“先富阶层”。但是为了以后的生活理想,特想作一理财规划,经过初步沟通面谈后,你获得了以下家庭、职业与财务信息: 一、案例成员
A. 每月基本生活费开销 B. 每月房租租金 C. 养车费用 D. 娱乐购物消费 [多项选择]保险合同的主体可分为当事人和关系人两大类。当事人是与保险合同直接发生关系的人,包括 ( )。
A. 保险人 B. 被保险人 C. 第三人 D. 投保人 E. 业务员 [单选题]生产安全事故的调查处理工作应当遵循的原则是()。
A.科学严谨、依法依规、实事求是、注重实效 B.部门协调、通力合作、实事求是、注重实效 C.群众参与、民主决策、实事求是、注重实效 [单项选择]内窥镜面部提升术较传统手术的优势在于()。
A. 切口小而隐蔽 B. 创伤小 C. 可去除更多冗余的皮肤 D. 无需考虑面神经损伤的问题 E. 手术时间短 [名词解释]中日贸易磋商的主要形式
A. 理中丸 B. 小半夏汤 C. 苓桂术甘汤 D. 大半夏汤 E. 香砂六君子汤 我来回答: 提交