Karl Von Linne (or Linnaeus, as he is widely known) was a Swedish biologist who devised the system of Latinised scientific names for living things that biologists use to this day. When he came to (1) people into his system, he put them into a group called Homo and Linne’s hairless fellow humans are still known biologically as Homo sapiens. (2) the group originally had a second member, Homo troglodytes. It lived in Africa, and the pictures show it to be covered (3) hair.
Modern (4) are not as generous as Linne in welcoming other species into Man’s lofty (5) , and the chimpanzee is now referred to (6) Pan troglodytes. But Pan or Homo, there is no (7) that chimps are humans’ nearest living relatives, and that if the secrets of what makes humanity special are ever to be (8) , understanding why chimps are not people, nor people chimps, is a crucial part of the process. That, in turn, means
A. as
B. in
C. among
D. without
简述固体废弃物的环境影响。 |
许多人外出逛街、游玩时,会{{U}} (149)
{{/U}}灵活机动的自行车作为代步{{U}} (150)
{{/U}},时尚的双人、三人骑自行车尤其受到青年人的青睐。于是,自行车出租业也就应运而生了。 要骑自行车的人,需{{U}} (151) {{/U}}身份证租车。对于城市人来说,毕竟花钱去健身房不如旅游式的自行车运动来得有趣,而且骑双人、三人自行车对人们的心理健康也大有{{U}} (152) {{/U}},骑车人需要心往一处想,劲往一处使,其效果和龙舟运动有些{{U}} (153) {{/U}}。据说租这种自行车的人很多。一些崇尚运动的老人也{{U}} (154) {{/U}}到了租车健身的行列里来。 |
A century ago in the United States,
when an individual brought suit against a company, public opinion tended to
protect that company. But perhaps this phenomenon was most striking in the case
of the railroads. Nearly half of all negligence cases decided through 1896
involved railroads. And the railroads usually won. Most of the cases were decided in state courts, when the railroads had the climate of the times on their sides. Government supported the railroad industry; the progress railroads represented was not to be slowed down by requiring them often to A. The railroad compensated for the damage to the immediate buildings. B. The railroad compensated for all the damage by the fire. C. The railroad paid nothing for the damaged building. D. The railroad worker paid for the property damage himself. [填空题]2号线零速列车线无效时正在开启过程中的门将( )。
[判断题]木、竹跨越架立杆均应垂直埋入坑内,杆坑底部应夯实,埋深不得少于0.1m。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]问题同上
[判断题](47149)( )接头阻力是由夹板与螺栓之间的剪力产生的。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]检查与审计的主要区别是什么?()
A. 审计时必须做记录,但检查不用 B. 审计主要是针对体系运行状况进行评价,正面和负面表现都要指出;检查则是针对设备状况进行检测,主要是发现问题 C. 审计不使用仪器或仪表,但检查得使用仪器或仪表 D. 执行审计人员资质高,而执行检查的人员稍差 [多选题]个人客户有()情况的不进行正式评级。
A.不符合贷款对象和条件 B.有不良信用记录 C.其他不良行为 D.肢体残疾 [多选题]下列选项中属于标准施工招标文件第一卷内容的有()。
A.招标公告 B.投标邀请书 C.评标办法 D.合同条款及格式 E.图纸 [判断题]作业规范是指作业单位应为作业人员提供符合国家法律、标准及公司规定的现场安全条件,不具备安全生产条件的不得从事现场作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》规定,( )进入生产场所,应正确佩戴安全帽,但在办公室、值班室、监控室、班组检修室、继电保护室、自动化室、通信及信息机房等场所,确无磕碰、高处坠落或落物等危险的情况下,可不戴安全帽。
A.工作班成员 B.任何人 C.工作许可人 D.工作负责人 [判断题]药品上市许可持有人为境外企业的,应当由其指定的在中国境内的企业法人履行药品上市许可持有人义务,与药品上市许可持有人承担连带责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] "变压器一,二次线圈之间的空隙越小( )。
A.空载电流越小 B.阻抗电压越小 C.空载损耗越小 D.无法确定" [单选题]由现场负责人组织开展安全交底和安全检查,明确职责,各专业分别落实相关()并向负责人确认设备具备投运条件。
A. A.组织措施 B.B.安全措施 C.C.技术措施 D.D.保安措施 我来回答: 提交