Olympic Games are held every four years
at a different site, in which athletes (21) different
nations compete against each other in a (22) of sports.
There are two types of Olympics, the Summer Olympics and the Winter
Olympics. In order to (23) the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). After all proposals have been (24) , the IOC votes. If no city is successful in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voting continues, with (25) rounds, until a majority winner is determined. Typically the Games are awarded several years in advance, (26) the winning city time to prepare for the Games. In selecting the (27) of the Olympic Games, the IOC considers a number of factors, chief among them which city h A. For instance B. As a result C. In brief D. On the whole [单选题] 党的十九大报告指出,加强(),增强全党全国人民国家安全意识,推动全社会形成维护国家安全的强大合力。
A. 国家安全教育 B.舆论宣传 C. 法制教育 D.司法打击 [判断题]楼上有物件抛出、灯光显示、呼救时,首先要稳定被困人员情绪,防止人员跳楼坠落伤害。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照《处方管理办法》,急诊处方的颜色应为
A.淡红色 B.白色 C.绿色 D.淡黄色 E.淡绿色 [单选题]4.关于M受体分布及其对应效应,表述错误的是
A.激动M受体,腺体分泌增多 B.激动M受体,心脏兴奋 C.激动M受体,支气管平滑肌收缩 D.激动M受体,瞳孔缩小 E.激动M受体,血管舒张 [判断题] 《高速铁路无砟轨道线路维修规则》规定,设计行车速度200~250km/h(不含),区间正线最大坡度不应大于20‰。设计速度250~350km/h区间正线最大坡度不宜大于20‰,困难条件下不应大于25‰。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]空气或天然气钻井流体的技术关键是必须有足够大的()。
A. 密度 B. 黏度 C. 泵压 D. 排量 [简答题]【判断题】配电第一种工作票,应在工作当天送达设备运维管理单位(包括信息系统送达)
A.声光训练 B.乘车训练 C.游泳训练 D.障碍训练 [多选题]以下选项中属于清洁能源技术的是( )。
A.大规模风电调度关键技术 B.大规模光伏发电并网运行技术 C.储能系统运行技术 D.特高压杆塔实验技术 [判断题]除现金业务区以外,二层以下(含)窗户按要求要安装金属防护栏或防砸复合玻璃
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有相对运动的配合应选用间隙配合,无相对运动的配合均选用过盈配合。
[单选题]经MUMGO、LADUP往返进近区域的航空器,终端确保在CZH以东高度不高于( )。( )(1分)
A. 5700米 B. 、6000米 C. 、6300米 D. 、6600米 [判断题]列车运行中,各有关作业人员应按规定执行车机联控。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]农发行单独作为牵头行筹组银团时,承贷金额原则上不低于银团融资总额的( ),不高于( )。
A.10%,30% B.10%,50% C.20%,30% D.20%,50% [单选题]各单位应建立完善承包单位和作业人员信息查询使用登记和审查制度,防止信息泄露,对( )或因工作失误泄露信息的,要依法依规追究相关单位和人员责任。
A.失责 B.失职 C.故意 D.无意 [单选题]“国际评估准则101——工作范围”的内容不包括( )。
A.引言 B.一般要求 C.工作范围的变动 D.调查和遵循 [判断题]在人与自然之间的关系上,社会公德主要体现在热爱自然、爱护公物上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]非均质型口腔白斑包括()
A. 斑块状 B. 颗粒状 C. 疣状 D. 溃疡状 E. 皱纹纸状 [填空题]Different countries and different races have different (11) . In China, it is important for the host to be attentive towards the guest. The host shows this by (12) that the guest’s glass is always full and that there is always (13) food in his bowl. It is considered unnecessary to ask whether the guest wants more. In contrast, in England the host may behave more informally. The host (14) places the food in the middle of the table and tells the guest to help himself. It is considered unacceptable to (15) food or drink upon a guest, so the host never gives him anything without first checking whether he wants it.
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