The poetry of Gwendolyn Brooks has been
praised for deepening the significance of personal and social experiences so
that these experiences become universal in their implication. She has also been
praised for her "sense of form, which is basic and remarkable". Many of her
poems are concerned with a Black community named Bronzeville, on the south side
of Chicago. Her literary skill makes Bronzeville more than just a place on a
map. This community, like all important literary places (Robinson’s Tilbury Town
and Masters’ Spoon River, for example), becomes a testing ground of personality,
a place where the raw material of experience is shaped by imagination and where
the joys and trials of being human are both sung and judged. The qualities for
which Brooks’s poetry is noted are (as one critic has pointed out) "boldness,
invention, a dari A. To give credit to two great writers, B. To provide examples of important literary places. C. To suggest similarities between Brooks’s style and that to other authors. D. To encourage the reader to read Robinson and Masters. [单项选择]釉质形成缺陷症的主要类型中不包括()
A. 形成不全型 B. 成熟不全型 C. 钙化不全型 D. 成熟不全/形成不全型 E. 成熟不全/钙化不全型 [单选题]由于测量方法的不够完善会引起( )。
A.偶然误差 B.-疏失误差 C.-粗大误差 D.-系统误差 [多选题]多项选择题:麻花钻头主切刃上任一点的基面、( )和的相互位置互相垂直。
A. 工作面 B. 主截面 C. 切削平面 D. 切削深度 [多选题]年度“两措”计划,需要做到( )、( )、( )、( )、责任人“五落实”,监督检查实施进展情况,并根据需要及时进行完善和调整。
A.任务 B.时间 C.费用 D.措施 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》规定,安全标志和揭示揭挂设置齐全,车门有()标志,
A.禁止抛扔物品 B.禁止携带危险品 C.禁止击打 D.注意安全 [多选题]急救成功的关键是动作快,()。任何()和()都会导致伤员伤情加重或死亡。
A. A.操作正确 B.B.拖延 C.C.操作错误 D.D.伤情 [判断题]Ⅱ级维修负责人由车间主任(副)担当。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]从12时到13时,钟的时针与分针可成直角的机会有( )。
A. 1次 B. 2次 C. 3次 D. 4次 [单项选择]MF47型万用表测直流电流时不能将万用表与负载(),否则会造成电路和仪表的损坏,并禁止在测量过程中转动转换开关选择量程,以免损坏开关触点、表头及表针。
A. 并联 B. 串联 C. 混联 D. 短路 [单选题]下列情况除哪点外都属不宜拔罐( )
A.皮肤过敏、溃疡 B.腹痛胃痛者 C.皮肤上疮疡化脓 D.孕妇的腹部、腰骶部 E.大血管部位 [单选题]投保人投保机动车交通事故责任强制保险时,应当向保险公司如实告知()。
A.客观事项 B.主管事项 C.相关事项 D.重要事项 [单选题]在Word2007中,下列关于分栏操作说法正确的是( )。
A.可以将选定的段落分为制定宽度的两栏 B.用户可以在“页面视图”和“阅读版式视图”两种视图方式下查看分栏的效果 C.设置的各栏宽度和间距与页面无关 D.可以将所选段落分为11栏,但分栏较多时将无法设置分隔线 [单项选择]关于农村公路桥涵施工的有关规定,叙述有误的是( )。
A. 新建桥梁应与路基同宽 B. 农村公路一般应修建双车道隧道 C. 村镇行人密集区桥梁宜设置人行道,宽度不宜小于0.85m D. 当单车道隧道与单车道路基相连接,洞口两端应设置错车道,其路基宽度不应小于6.5m,有效长度不应小于20m 我来回答: 提交