The Greatest Show on
Earth{{/B}} The Olympic Games (奥林匹克运动会) are the greatest festival of sport in the world. Every four years, a hundred or more countries send their best sportsmen to compete (竞赛) for the highest honors in sport. As many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports. For the winners, there are gold medals(奖牌) and glory. But there is honor, too, for all who compete, win or lose. That is in spirit of the Olympics—to take part is what matters. The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action. The teams of all the nations parade in the opening ceremony(仪式) and march round the track. The custom is for the Greek team to march in first. For it was in Greece that the Olympics began. The team of the country where the Games are being held—the host country— A. To win medals. B. To break world record. C. To win first places. D. To take part in the Games. [判断题]高压电缆分支箱宜逐步更换为环网箱。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]核对客户的有效身份证件或者其他身份证明文件,对于高风险客户、高风险账户持有人,应了解( )。
A.实际控制客户的自然人和交易的实际受益人 B.资金来源 C.资金用途 D.经济状况或者经营状况 [单项选择]广告忠告语为“请按药品说明书或在药师指导下购买和使用”的药品是()
A. 处方药 B. 非处方药 C. 乙类非处方药 D. 甲类非处方药 E. 传统药 [单项选择]{{I}} Questions 5 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the conversation.{{/I}}What does the man want to sell
A. Furniture. B. Books. C. Garden supplies. D. An apartment. [单项选择]Without proper lessons, you could ______ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.
A. keep up B. pick up C. draw up D. catch up [判断题]犯组织、领导、参加恐怖组织罪,又实施杀人、爆炸、绑架等犯罪的,应数罪并罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]法定代理关系有效证明包括以下哪些:______。
A.出生医学证明、户口簿、独生子女证 B.司法文书(已生效判决书、裁定书、调解书等) C.社区居委会(村民委员会)及法律规定的有关组织出具的有关证明 D.代理人出具的情况说明 [单项选择]
Organised volunteering and work experience has long been a vital companion to university degree courses. Usually it is left to (1) to deduce the potential from a list of extracurricular adventures on a graduate's resume, (2)now the University of Bristol has launched an award to formalise the achievements of students who (3) time to activities outside their courses. Bristol PLuS aims to boost students in an increasingly(4)jobs market by helping them acquire work and life skills alongside(5)qualifications. [单选题]爆炸下限小于10%的气体属()类气体。
A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 [单项选择]滴虫性阴道炎的治愈标准是
A. 治疗后检查滴虫阴性,每次月经后复查白带连续2次阴性 B. 治疗后检查滴虫阴性,每次月经后复查白带连续3次阴性 C. 治疗后检查滴虫阴性,每次月经后复查白带连续半年阴性 D. 治疗两次后检查滴虫阴性 E. 治疗三次后检查滴虫阴性 [单选题]一个人与他人握手时所采用的方式,很容易反映出他的性格,握手时力量很大,甚至让对方有疼痛的感觉,说明这个人的性格为()。
A.逞强而又自负 B.封闭保守 C.缺少判断、不够果敢 D.冷淡、漠然 我来回答: 提交