Countless people are born with(生来就具有某种特点)the susceptibility to inherit a genetic disease. But scientific progress, especially the art of interfering with(干涉,阻碍) the genetic makeup of the human body, has helped doctors prevent more and more inherited disorders in the last decade.
Dr. Thomas Caskey of the Baylor University College of medicine in Houston, Texas, is a pioneer in molecular biology(分子生物学). Through the techniques of genetic engineering(基因工程), he transfers genes from one organism to another. Caskey uses a certain type of virus, called a retrovirus(逆转录病毒), as the vehicle for the gene transfer. He first cripples the virus by removing the portion it needs to reproduce itself. The crippled virus becomes harmless while still being able to deliver a cargo to its destination.
The cargo in Caskey’s experiment is the human A-D-A gene, taken from bone marrow. A-D-A stands for(代表) adenosine deaminase(腺苷脱氨酶), an important component of the human immune system. A
A. save lives
B. transfer genes
C. correct a genetic defect
D. create a new organ
Since the industrial revolution,
government, society, and industry have attempted to channel technological
progress in useful directions. Whether it is the printing press, the cotton gin
the automobile or the Internet, technological innovations often have profound
economic and social effects. To harness the benefits and minimize the more
harmful effects of new technologies, modern governments use four basic
approaches: specific direction, market incentives, criminal prohibition, and
behavior modification. Specific direction starts with governments identifying one or more key factors in the R&D phase. Then, using a variety of means ranging from administrative regulation to outright state ownership, the government seeks to control the implementation of the technology. Market incentives are the deliberate manipulation of the marke A. help raise commodity prices to give government a bigger revenue. B. help the government encourage more researchers to make technological innovations. C. help raise oil prices so as to cut gasoline consumption and Protect our environment. D. help the government give subsidies to private enterprises to build more advanced highways. [单项选择]需在异地办理报检手续的,应向报检地的检验检疫机构办理( )异地备案手续。
A. 《报检委托书》 B. 《出入境检验检疫局备案登记证书》 C. 《代理报检单位注册登记证书》 D. 《出入境检验检疫报检注册登记证书》 [简答题]请简述智慧沃家5G极享“三千兆”融合套餐的主要卖点。
[单选题]经各朝代多次修建连接,至明代行成了西起嘉峪关,东至山海关,全长 公里的万里长城。( )
A.12800 B.12700 C.12000 D.13000 [单选题]我国第一本旅行杂志于( )出版。
A.1923年 B.1925年 C.1926年 D.1927年 [单项选择]右心功能衰竭与渗出性心包炎的主要鉴别点是()。
A. 颈静脉充盈程度 B. 腹水多少 C. 肝脏大小 D. 心浊音界随体位改变而变动 E. 上均不是 [多选题]开关电源系统按接地方式小同,可分为( )。
A.工作接地 B.保护接地 C.防雷接地 D.联合接地 [单项选择]胆道疾病放射学检查中属无创检查方法的是()
A. 静脉胆道造影 B. PTC C. ERCP D. 电子计算机体层扫描 E. 术中胆管造影 [多选题]质量因素引起的波动分为偶然波动和异常波动,下述说法中正确的有( )。
A.偶然波动可以避免 B.偶然波动不可以避免 C.采取措施不可以消除异常波动 D.采取措施可以消除异常波动 E.偶然波动和异常波动对质量的影响是一样的 [单选题]球磨机的停机顺序:( )
A.停给料设备→气动离合器松阀→停喷射润滑→停同步电机→磨机停止运转 B.停给料设备→停同步电机→停喷射润滑→气动离合器松阀→磨机停止运转 C.停给料设备→气动离合器松阀→停同步电机→停喷射润滑→磨机停止运转 [单项选择]以下哪型骨折应用夹板或石膏固定疗效不确切:
A. 需纠正成角移位的横行骨折 B. 需纠正短缩移位的斜形骨折 C. 粉碎性骨折 D. 青枝骨折 E. 需纠正旋转移位的骨折 [单选题] 电缆隧道应有( ),并有防火防水及通风措施
A.防火、防水措施 B.充足的照明 C.防毒面具 D.通风措施 [多选题]普速列车音视频记录仪配备范围:( )。
A.列车长 B.行李员 C.值班员 D.餐车长 [单项选择]剑突下搏动明显()
A. 粘连性心包炎 B. 升主动脉瘤 C. 腹主动脉瘤 D. 主动脉弓瘤 E. 肺动脉高压 [简答题]
A. 0.5mm B. 1.0mm C. 1.5mm D. 2.0mm E. 2.5mm [单选题]倒落式抱杆整体组塔,为使铁塔在起立过程中能顺利就位,在地面组装时,可预先将铁塔根部抬高至基础顶端( )mm。(DL/T 5342—2018《110kV~750kV架空输电线路铁塔组立施工工艺导则》6.2.9)
A.A.100~200 B.B.200~300 C.C.300~400 D.D.400~500 [单选题]张三有两个儿子张甲、张乙,一个女儿张丙,妻子早亡,张三死后留有存款40万元,立有遗嘱一份,表示死后把10万元作为嫁妆留给女儿丙。下列就遗产分配说法正确的是( )。
A.应当先按照法定继承进行分配 B.张甲应当分得10万元 C.张丙应当分得10万元 D.张甲、张乙、张丙应当平均分配40万元 [判断题]心包积液在50mL时,其心影大小和形态可无明显改变。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]护士进行出院指导时,指导产妇产后采用避孕措施的时间,正确的是
A.产后2周 B.产后4周 C.产后6周 D.产后8周 E.产后12周 [填空题]一般来说,定期保险规定________。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统信贷责任认定办法》 规定,放款操作岗包括( )。
A.信贷会计 B.放款审核人员 C.放款操作人员 D.会计人员 [判断题]CRH380B动车组,重联动车组不允许作为救援动车组。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交