After flexing its mechanical arm and
finding some puzzling chemistry in a patch of Martian soil,the robotic rover
Spirit began investigating the composition of a rock named Adirondack yesterday
with two science instruments and a microscopic camera. Following programmed instructions from flight controllers, the six-wheel rover made several short turns and moved forward about six feet. It stopped within inches of the pyramid-shaped rock, about the size of a football. It was the vehicle’s second maneuver on the Martian surface since landing there on Jan. 3. Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said they did not expect results of the first rock examination until early today. But they were already both pleased and puzzled over the soil test results. "We’re starting to put together a picture of A. explaining the nature of the fine grains of the Gusev surface B. discussing what force was responsible for holding them together C. presenting the perplexion of the geologists on the existence of the static force on the Mars D. introducing the main points of view on the static force on the Mars [单项选择]单纯性肾病和肾炎性肾病的区别点主要是
A. 尿蛋白情况 B. 低蛋白血症程度 C. 水肿程度 D. 血沉情况 E. 肾功能情况 [多选题]实验室检定互感器时,按要求满足环境温度、相对湿度的是
A.温度15oC,湿度90% B.温度9oC,湿度60% C. 温度25oC,湿度80% D.温度35oC,湿度70% [单选题]在房屋继承、遗赠需提交的材料中,房屋已设定抵押且( )的,应与抵押权人共同申请,提交他项权证原件、抵押权人同意抵押房屋转移的书面意见原件及抵押权人的身份证明。
A.已申请注销 B.未申请注销 C.已公证 D.未提交授权委托书 [单项选择]下列相关系数取值中错误的是()。
A. -0.86 B. 0.78 C. 1.25 D. 0 [简答题]智能电能表电流不平衡的定义是什么?
[判断题]LZC30242 理想流体伯努力方程的物理意义是:在管内作稳定流动的理想流体,在任一截面上的压力能、势能和动能可以互相转换,但其总和不变。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用于零件加工中局部需要反复加工动作的场合的是( )。
A.直线插补 B.圆弧插补 C.螺纹插补 D.程序循环 [判断题]新参加电气工作的人员、实习人员和临时参加劳动的人员(管理人员、非全日制用工等),应经过安全生产知识教育后,方可下现场单独工作。
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A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]末级配电箱中剩余电流动作保护装置(漏电保护器)的额定动作电流不应大于30 mA ,额定漏电动作时间不应大于O.2s。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业前应做好(),对可能出现事故,采取有效预防措施,制定应急处置对策。
A.安全检查 B.安全预测 C.作业方案 D.安全防护 [简答题]简述控告和举报的异同。
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A. 番泻叶 B. 甘遂 C. 牵牛子 D. 三棱 E. 桃仁 [单项选择]某地流感暴发流行,经调查该地3789人当月有837人发生流感,这些人中有14人曾在1个月前发生过流感,计算得837/3789=221%,这个率是()
A. 患病率 B. 继发率 C. 罹患率 D. 发病率 我来回答: 提交