In an average winter, highway
departments spread some ten million tons of salt to keep roads safe. The
corrosive effects are well known, but for years they’ re been dismissed with the
argument that at around $ 25 a ton, salt is far cheaper than any
alternative. Lately, economists have added up the actual costs. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that salt-induced road damage and vehicle corrosion cost $ 3 billion a year. That does not include damage to underground cables, which adds hundreds of millions to utility bills. Nor does it reflect the cost of brine leaking into porous water pipes, threatening the water supply. Salty water leaches into roadbeds, kills evergreens and poisons streams. The various costs probably add another $ 2 billion A. CMA B. salt C. other alternatives D. either of the above [简答题]什么是复句,复句和单句有什么区别?
A.理智感 B.道德感 C.美感 D.自主感 [判断题]正线列车非法逆行构成一级安全事件。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]术前准备中,下列哪项处理不正确
A.心力衰竭病人需控制 3~4 周后才实施手术 B.经常发作哮喘的病人,可每日 3 次口服地塞米松 0.75mg C.肝功能严重损害者,一般不宜施行任何手术 D.肾功能重度损害者,只要在有效的透析处理下,仍能安全地耐受手 术 E.糖尿病病人大手术前,必须将血糖控制到正常,尿糖阴性水平才能 手术 [单项选择]It is regrettable that the author saved many of his most brilliant lines for the ______. By that time, most of the audience had left.
A. epilogue B. climax C. curtain D. book [判断题]TDCS/CTC系统可以与公网混合使用()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]门静脉高压症可引起哪种肛门疾病( )。
A. 肛裂 B. 肛瘘 C. 直肠脱垂 D. 痔 E. 直肠息肉 [单选题]测定闪点时使用防护屏的目的是( )
A.防止空气对流 B.放尘土 C.防火 D.防样品溅出 [单选题]国家铁路的行李、包裹运价及客运杂费的尾数保留至( )。
A.角 B.元 C.5角 D.2.5角 [多项选择]基金市场的服务机构包括( )。
A. 律师事务所 B. 会计师事务所 C. 基金代销机构 D. 基金注册登记机构 [填空题]The world’s first completely automatic railway has been built under the busy streets of London. On this railway, the trains drive themselves, and all the work is done by machines. This railway has seven "separate" lines, which connect at various stations. Together they serve most parts of England’s capital city.
The people of London saw that this new line was very different from the others. The stations on the other lines needed a lot of workers. People are needed to sell tickets, and to check them. Others collect tickets when people leave the trains. There are men and women on the platforms (站台). They check that everything is all right. On the trains, too, there are several workers. This is all different on the Victoria Line. Here a machine checks and collects the tickets, and there are no workers on the platforms. If a man wants to ask about the trains, he must use a special telephone. What is supposed to be the name of the new railway The name of this railway should [判断题]雾霾等恶劣天气,特殊情况降弓后,升起受电弓前,要使用车顶绝缘检测装置检测绝缘状态,或者检查接触网感应电压,确认车顶绝缘状态是否良好。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理规定》,特种作业操作证有效期为()年。
A.3 B.5 C.6 [多选题] 以下属于人民币 NRA 福费廷产品功能特色的有( ) 。
A.缓解银行短期外债指标紧张问题 B.满足人民币 NRA 账户主体的福费廷融资需求 C.提高资金收益率 D.延伸对关联公司的服务链条 [单选题]工作人员在现场工作过程中,若因本身工作所引起异常情况或断路器(开关)跳闸、阀闭锁,应保留现场并立即通知( ),以便及时处理。
A.工作负责人 B.工区领导 C.调控人员 D.运维人员 [单项选择]投保人或被保险人违反告知的表现主要有()。
A. 漏报、误告、隐瞒、欺诈 B. 漏报、误告、欺骗、杜撰 C. 漏报、误告、杜撰、隐瞒 D. 漏报、误告、欺骗、欺诈 [单选题]建设工程电子归档文件应采用()签名手段,所载内容应真实和可靠。
A.手写 B.录入 C.电子 D.盖章 [多选题]客户体验区要以方便客户使用为第一原则,可在桌面上放置小型立式透明亚克力宣传架,摆放()等宣传资料,告知客户使用方法、注意事项、安全提示等,指导客户使用。
A.网上银行 B.手机银行 C.短信通 D.假币 [不定项选择题]属于“金”的体是
A.脉 B.肉 C.皮 D.骨 E.筋 [单选题] 违法行为人对报案人、控告人、举报人、证人等打击报复的,()。
A. 可以从重处罚 B. 应当从重处罚 C. 可以加重处罚 D. 应当加重处罚 [单选题]3P试验阴性,下列哪项不符合( )
A.原发性纤溶症 B.再生障碍性贫血 C.正常人 D.可以排除DI(C) E.标本纤维蛋白原含量过低 [判断题]单轨小车不得在靠站台一侧的钢轨上推行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在酸或碱、高温并且有水存在时,DMF有明显水解特性,生成乙酸和二甲胺。
患者女,70岁,上下颌牙列缺失,行全口义齿修复,支架试戴正常,排牙充胶,采用微波聚合,戴牙时发现塑料基托与黏膜不密合,而金属基托未见异常 由于充填造成支架移位的原因是( )A. 装盒石膏包埋过多 B. 支架焊接移位 C. 塑料充填过早 D. 塑料充填过迟过多 E. 塑料充填时带入气泡 [不定项选择题]患者,女,33岁,已婚。每于经期大便溏泄,脘腹胀满,神疲肢软,舌淡苔薄白,脉濡滑。治疗应首选
A.参苓白术散 B.健固汤 C.柴胡疏肝散 D.痛泻要方 E.四苓散 [单项选择]下列叙述中,正确的是______。
A. 所有计算机病毒只在可执行文件中传染 B. 计算机病毒可通过读写移动存储器或Internet网络进行传播 C. 只要把带毒软盘片设置成只读状态,那么此盘片上的病毒就不会因读盘而传染给另一台计算机 D. 计算机病毒是由于软盘片表面不清洁而造成的 [单项选择]The knife is a strong piece of ________ against the defendant.
A. proof B. clue C. indication D. evidence [单项选择]A company that ships boxes to a total of 12 distribution centers uses color coding to identify each center. If either a single color or a pair of two different colors is chosen to represent each center and if each center is uniquely represented by that choice of one or two colors, what is the minimum number of colors needed for the coding ?() (Assume that the order of the colors in a pair does not matter.)
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 12 E. 24 [单项选择]肾病综合征患者高度水肿,尿量400~500ml/d,持续2周,尿蛋白(++++),血浆清蛋白20g/L,肌酐清除率为100ml/min,本患者的治疗主要是()
A. 消炎药 B. 呋塞米 C. 输血浆或清蛋白 D. 肾上腺皮质激素 E. 血浆透析 [简答题]公司设立的方式主要有哪两种?各自适用于哪类公司?
[单项选择]Visitors to St. Paul Cathedral are sometimes astonished as they walk round the space under the arch to come up a statue which would appear to be that of a retired armed man meditating upon a wasted life. They are still mare astonished when they see under it an inscription indicating that it represents the English writer, Samuel Johnson. The statue is by Bacon, but it is not one of his best works. The figure is, as often in eighteenth-century sculpture, clothed only in a loose robe that leaves arms, legs and one shoulder bare. But the strangeness for us is not one of costume only. If we know anything of Johnson, we know that he was constantly iii all through his life; and whether we know anything of him or not we are apt to think of a literary man as a delicate, weakly, nervous sort of person. Nothing can be further from that than the muscular statue. And in this matter the statue is perfectly right. And the fact which it reports is far from being unimportant.
The body and the mind A. he could not control his legs B. he has same psychological barrier C. people always stared at him D. it hurt his friends to watch him [判断题]两个以上行政机关作出同一行政行为的,共同作出行政行为的行政机关是共同被告。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]农业是国民经济中的第一产业,对于中国这样的人口大国,农业具有战略性地位。以下关于我国农业的表述,错误的是
A.我国最早的耕作技术是原始社会的人力耕作 B.《三字经》中,将稻、梁、菽、麦、黍、稷并成为六谷 C.今天我国广为种植的一些作物并非原产我国,而是外来引进,例如玉米 D.休闲农业是利用农业景观资源和农业生产条件,发展阳光、休闲、旅游的一种新型农业生产经营形态 [单项选择]在岸国际金融市场与离岸国际金融市场的最本质区别在于( )。
A. 交易主体不同 B. 法律约束不同 C. 市场组成不同 D. 地理位置不同 我来回答: 提交