At the Kyoto conference on global
warming in December 1997, it became abundantly clear how complex it has become
to work out international agreements relating to the environment be cause of
economic concerns unique to each country. It is no longer enough to try to
forbid certain activities or to reduce emissions of certain substances. The
global challenge of the interlink between the environment and development
increasingly bring us to the core of the economic life of states. During the
bate 1980s we were able, through international agreements, to make deep cuts in
emissions harmful to the ozone layer (臭氧层). These reductions were made possible
because substitutions had been found for many of the harmful chemicals and, more
important, because the harmful substances could be replaced without negative
effects on employment and the A. They should replace all the harmful substances. B. They should willingly undertake legal commitments about their energy uses. C. They should hold another world conference on climate change. D. They should provide advanced technology. [单选题] 天然气为无色无味的易燃气体,其83%~99%的成分为()。天然气液态相对密度(水=1)约为0.45,由液态变为气态体积扩大600倍,爆炸极限为5%~14%。遇火源、热源有着火爆炸危险,与氯气、次氯酸、液氧等强氧化剂接触剧烈反应。吸入高浓度的天然气能造成人窒息死亡。( )
A. 甲烷 B. 乙烷 C. 丙烷 D. 丁烷 [单选题]在有中国特色的社会主义政党制度中,民主党派是()。
A.在野党 B.参政党 C.反对党 D.执政党 [不定项选择题]A.发霉
A.泛油 B.虫蛀 C.潮解 D.粘连 E.芡实在贮藏中易发生 [单选题]铁路电子客票与纸质车票具有同等( )
A.合同效力 B.运输效力 C.使用效果 D.法律效力 [单项选择]氯气在常温下是一种黄绿色气体,具有窒息刺激臭味比空气()的气体。
A. 轻 B. 重 C. 密度小 D. 黏度小 [单选题]离场航空器应当遵守局方批准的离场程序飞行。大型或涡轮发动机飞机起飞后应当尽快爬升到离地()高度以上。
A.300米(1000英尺) B.450米(1500英尺) C.550米(1800英尺) D.600米(2000英尺) 我来回答: 提交