I am a very lucky girl and my family
is the nicest in the world. Mummy and Daddy are important of course and when
we’re out we have to behave properly but when we’re at home we play and laugh
and have lots of fun. "You spoil them!" Mummy says, and she frowns and folds her
arms in front of her but then she laughs and kisses him so I know she’s not
really serious. We have all sorts of games like the one where the hail is the
world and the tables and chairs are different countries. Then Daddy tells us all
about his travels, but he says the best thing was when he met Mummy and fell in
love with her. "Now that’s a happy ending," he says He’s a wonderful Daddy and is always nice and funny. When Mummy sighs and says she’s getting lots of white hairs he laughs and says, "I’ll be getting them soon and then we’ll be two little old pe A. depict a loving and coherent family B. boast of her nice Daddy and Mummy C. explain why she is happy all the time D. compare the ways to tell bedtime stories [单选题]延边三角降压起动电动机抽头比为1:1时相电压约( )。
A.252伏 B.220伏 C.311伏 D.380伏 [多选题]下列关于人民警察“忠诚”的核心价值观的说法正确的有:
A.旗帜鲜明讲政治是对公安机关的第一要求 B.坚持党的全面领导、绝对领导是公安机关安身立命的根本所在 C.坚持党的全面领导、绝对领导,最关键的是增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信” D.“忠诚”要求公安民警忠于党、忠于祖国、忠于人民、忠于法律 [多选题]资产管理事业部:2019年4月21日《关于其他应收款中垫支诉讼费进行梳理的通知 》、2020年5月13日《关于收回贷款未冲减诉讼费用进行清理的通知》各单位应严格按照制度、通知要求做好应收款()等工作。
A.列支 B.清理 C.台账管理 D.核算 [单选题]DCU是( )简称。
A.牵引控制单元 B.静止逆变器 C.蓄电池充电机 D.列车控制单元 [判断题]根据《国家外汇管理局综合司关于外籍人员持外国人永久居留身份证办理结售汇业务有关事宜的通知》(汇综发〔2017〕59号)的规定,新版'外国人永久居留身份证'可作为个人办理结售汇业务的有效身份证件,持外国人永久居留身份证的外籍人员适用结汇和购汇等值5万美元的年度便利化额度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]3.574.
无线电电力负荷控制系统中天线的( )作用。 A.将高频电能量变换成电磁波向空间辐射 B.将空间的电磁波转变成信号功率送到接收机 C.待机状态定时收受卫星对时信号校时 D.GPRS位置定位作用 [简答题]生产经营单位对重大危险源应当采取哪些措施?
在检修试验工作现场,工作地点应设置( )的标示牌。 A.“在此工作!” B.“止步,高压危险!” C.“禁止合闸,有人工作!” D.“从此进出!” [判断题]一份“烟草专卖品个人携带证”可签发给2名携带人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交