The British Tourist Authority gives the following summary of usual practice. There are no fixed rules and the amount you give can reflect whether you feel you have received good or only average service.
Hotels: many hotel bills include a service charge, usually 10-12.5%, but in some
larger hotels, 15%. Where a service charge is not included, it is usual to
divide 10-15% of the bill among the staff who have given a good service.
Porterage (搬运) : 20p per suitcase (包).
Taxis: 10-15% of the fare.
Hairdressers: 50p plus about 50p to the assistant who washes your hair.
and petrol(gas) tips are not expected.
The summary of usual practice on tipping is given by (1) .
When the hotel bill does not include a service charge, it is usual to give (2) of the bill to the service persons.
When you have your hair cut in a shop, you should give
Publicity offers several benefits.
There are no costs for message time or space. An ad in prime time television may
cost $250,000 to $500,000 or more per minute, whereas a five-minute report on a
network newscast would not cost anything. However, there are costs for news
releases, a publicity department, and other items. As with advertising, publicity reaches a mass audience. Within a short time, new products or company policies are widely known. Credibility about messages is high, because they are reported in independent media. A newspaper review of a movie has more believability than an ad in the same paper, because the reader associates independence with objectivity. Similarly, people are more likely to pay attention to news reports than ads. Readers spend time reading the stories, but they flip through the ads. Further A. the former reach a larger audience than the latter do B. the former are more objective C. the former appear in independent media D. the latter are much more in number and stand out clearly [多选题]下列车辆中可申请公务施工卡的有__________。( )
A.120救护车 B.高速公路施工车辆 C.高速公路监理车辆 D.高速公路养护作业车辆 E.公司内部车辆 [判断题]支票的提示付款期为10天(到期日如遇双休日或法定节假日顺延),就是出票日起10日内可以向银行提示付款,过期作废。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]接触网检测辅助参数检测主要包括:车辆运行速度、定位点、车体振动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]建立对公人民币结算套餐时,收费基数种类不包括(______)方式。
A.按笔收费 B.按金额收费 C.按月收费 D.按季收费 [单选题]需办理封锁手续,设置移动停车信号防护,线路开通后不限制列车速度的施工,由( )担任施工负责人。
A.职务不低于班长的人员 B.职务不低于工长的人员 C.职务不低于车间主任的人员 D.段级领导 [多选题]党员受留党察看处分期间,可以保留的权利有:
A.知情权 B.选举权 C.被选举权 D.建议权 [判断题]说明调速系统品质好坏的两个重要指标是速度变动率和迟缓率。
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