For some educators, there is nothing wrong with
fun and games. A group called the Education Arcade recently held a
conference in Los Angeles to discuss the future of educational games. The
Education Arcade brings together international game designers, publishers,
teachers and policymakers. They say they want to lead change in the way the
world learns through computer and video games. The conference was part of E-three, the Electronic Entertainment Exposition. This is a yearly trade show where companies show off new games and educational products. The Education Arcade started at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, near Boston. Professors worked with the Microsoft Company to create what they called the Games-to-Teach Project. The group began to explore ways to use technology in teaching and l A. Having a reunion of game designers. B. Creating new designs of games. C. Discussing the future of educational games. D. Checking computer and video games. [单项选择]心理咨询的对象主要是哪一种人( )
A. 有心理问题的人 B. 有心理疾病的 C. 有精神疾病的人 D. 以上三者都不是 [单选题]深圳证券交易所规定,债券回购交易的最小报价变动为( )元或其整数倍。
A.0.01 B.0.005 C.0.001 D.0.1 [填空题]What should we do first when we decide to buy a car at "Autoweb. com"
We should ______. [单选题]主熔断器的熔断特性和( )的保护特性要与供电电站的短路保护特性相匹配。
A.A.高压回路 B.B.高速断路器 C.C.接触网 D.D.过流器 [判断题]行政机关履行行政管理职责,依照法律、法规、规章的规定,实施行政强制措施()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]并联电路中的总电流等于( )。
A.各支路电阻电流的和 B.各支路电阻电流的积 C.各支路电阻电流的倒数和 D.各支路电阻电流的倒数积 [判断题]专用升降物料的钢丝绳应每年试验一次。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]由于(),造成往复泵的排量超高。
A.过量吸入升举 B.过量正吸入压头 C.过量出口压头 D.电源线频率太低 [单项选择]以下属于“六书”中象形字的是()。
A. 本 B. 朱 C. 女 D. 寸 E. 亦 [单项选择]填充墙砌体工程中,( )砌筑时,应向砌筑面适量浇水。
A. 加气混凝土砌块 B. 蒸压加气混凝土砌块 C. 空心砖 D. 轻骨料混凝土小型空心砌块 [判断题]开门器用于开启金属、非金属门窗等结构,从而解救被困于危险环境中的受害者。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某法院法官在审理案件中推理如下:《刑法》规定,故意伤害他人身体的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制;张某殴打他人造成轻伤,所以对其判处二年有期徒刑,其是用什么推理方式()
A. 类比法律推理 B. 归纳法律推理 C. 演绎法律推理 D. 设证法律推理 [单项选择]以40%的最大心率,持续时间10分钟的有氧运动的直接物质是()
A. ATP B. 葡萄糖 C. 游离脂肪酸 D. 氨基酸 [单项选择]利用水泵结合器向管网供水时,要搞清管网的使用性质及固定( )压力。
A. 消火栓 B. 消防水泵 C. 消防车出口 D. 水枪出口 [单选题]以下哪种疔疮一般不并发走黄
A.托盘疔 B.蛇眼疔 C.烂疔 D.红丝疔 E.颜面部疔疮 [判断题][JXJK041-02-Y] 压井是以“U”形管原理为依据进行的。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]消防救援机构对于人员密集场所使用不合格的消防产品,依法正确的处理办法是( )。
A.责令限期改正 B.逾期不改正的,对该场所处以罚款,并对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处罚款 C.情节严重的,责令停产停业 D.除依法对使用者予以处罚外,还应当将发现不合格的消防产品的情况通报产品质量监督部门、工商行政管理部门依法查处 [多选题](____)对有触电危险、检修(施工)复杂容易发生事故的工作,应增设专责监护人,并确定其监护的人员和范围。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工区领导 D.工作负责人 [单选题]协助患者从床上移向平车的顺序为
A.上身,臀部,下肢 B.上身,下肢,臀部 C.下肢,臀部,上身 D.臀部,上身,下肢 E.臀部,下肢,上身 [单项选择]CD音频是一种数字化声音,采用立体声存储,其量化级位数是( )。
A. 8位 B. 16位 C. 24位 D. 32位 [单选题]货物列车长度超过列车运行图规定换算长度时为超长列车,低于规定换算长度( )及其以上时为欠长列车。
A.1.4 B.1.1 C.1.2 D.1.3 [单选题]如需标注份号,一般用位3号阿拉伯数字,顶格编排在版心左上角第一行。( )
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [单选题]重庆4号线As 型地铁车辆广播系统工作的司机室主机称为( )
A. 主机 B.副机 C.备机 D. 其他 [填空题]DES算法密钥是()位,其中密钥有效位是()位。
[多选题]审核证据可以是能够被验证的与审核准则有关的( )或审核准则相关的其他信息。
A. 记录 B. 事实陈述 C. 审核准则 D. 企业内审报告 [多项选择]
A. 骨髓细胞学检查 B. 血细胞化学染色 C. 网织红细胞绝对值计数 D. 染色体检查 E. 免疫学分型检查 分子生物学检查 红细胞形态学检查 [填空题]Baby Talk
Babies normally start to talk when they are 13 to 15 months old. Ryan Jones is only eight months old, but he is already “talking” with his parents. When lie is hungry, he opens and closes his hand. This means milk. He also knows the signs for his favorite toy and the word more.
Ryan is not deaf, and his parents are not deaf, but his mother and father are teaching him to sign. They say a word and make a sign at the same time. They repeat this again and again. When ___1___ Ryan’s parents think that he will be a happier baby because he can communicate with them.
Ryan s parents are teaching Ryan to sign because of a man named Joseph Garcia. Although Garcia was not from a deaf family, he decided to learn American Sign Language (ASL). First, he took courses in ASL. Then he got a job helping deaf people communicate with hearing people. In his work, he saw many deaf parents sign to their infants. He noticed that these babies were able to communicate much earlier than hearing children. ___2___ When they were one year old, they could use as many as 50 signs.
Garcia decided to try something new. He taught ASL to parents who were not deaf. The families started to teach signs to their infants when they were six or seven months old. ___3___ More and more parents took Garcia’s ASL classes. Like Ryan’s family, they were excited about signing with their babies. They wanted to give their babies a way to communicate before they could use spoken words.
Some people worry about signing to babies. They are afraid that these babies won’t feel a need to talk. Maybe they will develop spoken language later than other babies. ___4___ In fact, one study found just the opposite. Signing babies actually learned to speak earlier than other children. As they grow older, these children are more interested in books. They also score higher on intelligence tests1.
There is still a big question for parents: Which are the best signs to teach their babies ? Some parents make their own signs. Other parents want to teach ASL. ___5___ There’s no clear answer, but we do know this: All signing babies and their families are talking quite a lot!
normally /'n :m( )li/ adv. 正常地;通常地,一般地
infant /'inf nt / n. 婴儿;幼儿;未成年人
communicate /k 'mju:nikeit/ 通信;交流;感染
opposite /' p zit/ adj. 相反的;n. 对立面,反义词
1. intelligence test:智力测试
A However, research does not show this.
B All parents want to teach babies to sign.
C Ryan learns a new sign, his family is very excited.
D These babies started using signs about two months later.
E It can be useful because many people understand it.
F They talked with signs by the time they were eight months old.
[单项选择]( )是指企业为生产某种产品而发生的费用。它与一定种类和数量的产品相联系,是对象化了的费用。
A. 管理费用 B. 营业费用 C. 期问费用 D. 生产成本 [多选题] 按口头或电话命令执行的工作为( )
A. 测量接地电阻 B.修剪树枝 C.杆塔底部和基础等地面检查、消缺工作 D.涂写杆塔号、安装标示牌等,工作地点在杆塔最下层导线以下,并能够保持表4安全距离的工作 [多选题]大型商场发生火灾时,烟火易沿()迅速蔓延。
A.柜台 B.货架 C.货物堆垛 D.共享空间 E.管道竖井 [单选题]及以下电压等级装设的绝缘挡板必须有良好的绝缘性能,并安装牢固,其边缘与带电部分的距离也不应小于本规程规定数值,工作人员也不得碰触。装、拆时应使用绝缘工具。 ( )
A.10kV B.110kV C.35kV D.220kV [填空题]低钾血症是指血清钾浓度低于______mmol/L,其最早出现的表现是______。
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