Pictures in the British papers this
week of Prince William, Prince Charles’s 18-year-old son, cleaning toilets
overseas, have led to a surge of altruism (利他主义). Raleigh International, the
charity that organized his trip, has seen inquiries about voluntary work abroad
rise by 30%. But the image of idealistic youth that William presents no longer
reflects the reality of the volunteer force. It’s getting older and
older. Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) has about 2,000 volunteers in the field around the world. After a dip in interest in the mid-1990s, applications to work abroad are at record levels. Last year 7, 645 people submitted applications, and 920 successfully negotiated the VSO selection process and were sent abroad. When the organization was founded in 1959, the average volunteer was in his early 20s. Now, the average a A. his trip has triggered a surge of altruism B. his trip was organized by a government institution C. he presents the image of idealistic youth D. he is not a representative volunteer in age [多选题]加强装备( )管理,严格落实装备管理法规制度,使其保持良好技术状态,保证遂行应急救援任务需要。
A.精细化 B.科学化 C.制度化 D.经常化 [单选题]关于劳动关系理论中集体劳权的说法,错误的是()。
A.集体劳权主要包括团结权、集体谈判权、民主参与权和集体行动权 B.集体劳权是劳动者集体的权利 C.集体劳权由劳动者个人享有并行使 D.集体劳权可以维护和保障个别劳权 [单项选择]根据我国海上运输货物保险条款规定,“提货不着”是指()
A. 承运人在目的地未能提取整件货物或全部货物 B. 发货人在目的地未能提取整件货物或全部货物 C. 保险人在目的地未能提取整件货物或全部货物 D. 收货人在目的地未能提取整件货物或全部货物 [单项选择]公民、法人和社会团体为了促进城市规划有效、合理地实施,为了维护自己的合法权利,可以依法对城市规划行政机关做出的具体行政行为提出( )。
A. 行政诉讼 B. 民事诉讼 C. 行政仲裁 D. 申诉 [判断题]封闭式基金一般采用分红再投资转换为基金份额的方式分红。 ( )
A. 六味地黄丸 B. 知柏地黄丸 C. 左归丸 D. 右归丸 E. 大补元煎 [判断题]生产经营单位应当安排用于配备劳动防护用品、进行安全生产培训的经费。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]调度管理在智能电网调度技术支持系统中的英文简称是()。
A. AVC B. AGC C. OPS D. OMS [单项选择]导致躖趾跖屈力弱的是()
A. L1~2椎间盘突出 B. L2~3椎间盘突出 C. L3~4椎间盘突出 D. L4~5椎间盘突出 E. L5S1椎间盘突出 [填空题]The round-the-clock availability that cell phones and pagers have (47) to people’s lives may be taking a toll on family life, a new study suggests. The study, which (48) more than 1,300 adults over 2 years, found that those who consistently used a mobile phone or pager throughout the study period were more likely to report negative "spillover" between work and home life -- and, in (49) , less satisfaction with their family life. Spillover essentially means that the line between work and home begins to blur. Work life may (50) home life-when a parent is taking job-related calls at home, for instance- or household issues may start to take up (51) time.
The problem with cell phones and pagers seems to be that they are allowing for ever more spillover between work and home, according to Chesley’s findings. This may be (52) true for working women, the study found. Among men, consistent use of mobile phones and pagers se [判断题]采用电话闭塞法组织行车时,每一站间区间及前方站接车站线为一个闭塞区段,一个闭塞区段只允许一列车占用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]负责管理计算机的硬件和软件资源,为应
A.A:操作系统 B.B:数据库管理系 统 C.C:编译系统 D.D:专用软件 [单项选择]In the geography class, the teacher explained wind and water might cause soil()
A. pollution B. excellence C. explosion D. erosion [单项选择]回收式自身输血输注注意事项正确的是()。
A. 术中回收处理的血液不用者可以转让给其他患者使用 B. 应予以补充血小板、凝血因子、血浆蛋白等 C. 术中回收处理的血液含有的游离血红蛋白无需相应治疗 D. 行术中回收式自身输血的患者术后无需常规使用抗生素 E. 术中回收处理的血液回输时不必使用输血器 [判断题]重质油品,如重油、原油等,密度大,燃烧速率高。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]C肽测定的主要用途不包括
A. 监测胰腺手术效果 B. 监测糖尿病治疗的疗效 C. 糖尿病分型 D. 评估空腹低血糖 E. 评估胰岛素分泌 [判断题]798.短视频BGM的选择要震撼、要走心、要魔性、要重复、要洗脑。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]独立抱杆至少应有( )根缆风绳。
A. A.两 B.B.三 C.C.四 D.D.六 [单项选择]一个工作不足半年,就利用职权挪用挥霍公款达950万元之巨的蛀虫,仅被判处无期徒刑,______,难平民愤。
A. 罚不当罪 B. 罪不容诛 C. 罪大恶极 D. 罪刑不符 我来回答: 提交