For all his vaunted talents, Federal
Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has never had much of a reputation as an
economic forecaster. In fact, he shies away from making the
precise-to-the-decimal-point predictions that many other economists thrive on.
Instead, he owes his success as a monetary policymaker to his ability to sniff
out threats to the economy and manipulate interest rates to dampen the dangers
he perceives. Now, those instincts are being put to the test. Many Fed watchers--and some policymakers inside the central bank itself--are beginning to wonder whether Greenspan has lost his touch. Despite rising risks to the economy from a swooning stock market and A. economy is now well on its way to recovery B. economists are uncertain about consumer demand C. corporate performance is generally not encouraging D. businesses have been investing the way the Fed hoped [单选题] 甲饲养了一条宠物狗,因该狗经常在夜晚长吠,邻居乙多次找甲要求其采取措施,甲因此怀恨在心。某晚甲在小区内遛狗,见乙的女儿回家,甲驱使其宠物狗将乙的女儿咬伤。乙要求公安机关裁决甲赔偿其女儿医药费及精神损失费等。根据《治安管理处罚法》的规定,公安机关可以(
)。 A. 参照民法有关规定,裁决甲赔偿乙的损失 B. 责令甲赔偿损失,不赔偿的可予以警告,但对乙提出的精神损失的赔偿请求应提起民事诉讼 C. 告知乙就赔偿问题向人民调解委员会申请调解 D. 进行调解,调解不成的告知乙就赔偿问题向人民法院提起诉讼 [判断题]低压触电时,因触电者的身体是带电的,其鞋的绝缘也可能遭到破坏,救护人不得接触触电者的皮肤,也不能抓他的鞋。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]幼儿记忆的特点主要是:完整性差、易混淆、易受暗示( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 患者女性,30 岁,入院前 3 个月,无明显诱因而失眠,变得沉默寡言,整日呆坐,饮食
被动,生活需人照料,自语,痴笑。近一周来,变得不言不动,不哭不笑,推她不动,喂她 不食,口腔内积着大量唾液不肯吐出,膀胱胀满不肯排泄。该患者入院时有轻度营养不良, 护理该患者时最应该注意什么( ) A.保证患者安全 B.保证足够入量 C.做好基础护理 D.关心体贴患者 E.给予正性鼓励 [多选题]企业内部的结算方式包括( )。
A.转账法 B.内部货币法 C.预付法 D.托收承付 E.现金结算 [单选题]使用钳型电流表测量高压电缆各相电流,电缆头线间距离应大于()mm,且绝缘良好、测量方便者,方可进行。
A.150 B.200 C.250 D.300 [多选题]管理学界普遍接受的观点是,管理职能包括()
A.计划 B.组织 C.领导 D.控制 [判断题]企业在财产清查中发现盘亏原材料,经查明,应由保险公司支付的赔款,应记入“管理费用”账户。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]安全规程规定()大风时不得登高焊割作业。
A. 5级以上 B. 6级以上 C. 8级以上 D. 10级以上 我来回答: 提交