Video recorders and photocopiers, even
ticket machines on the railways, often seem unnecessarily difficult to use. Last
December I bought myself a video cassette recorder(VCR) described as "simple to
use". In the first three weeks I failed repeatedly to program the machine to
record from the TV, and after months of practice I still made mistakes. I am not
alone. According to a survey last year by Ferguson, the British
manufacturer, more than one in four VCR owners never use the timer(定时器) on their
machines to record a programme: they don’ t use it because they’ve found it far
too hard to operate. So why do manufacturers keep on designing and producing VCRs that are awkward to use if the problems are so obvious. First, the problem we notice are not obvious to technically minded (有技术思想的) designers with years o[ experience and tr A. the designers are often insensitive to the operational complexities of their machines B. the range of features provided is unlimited C. there is no ideal way of controlling quality D. their designers often ignore the complaints of their users [多项选择]4G资费比3G资费相比有较大优惠,主要体现在哪方面?()
A. 流量资费优惠更大 B. 支持多卡共享流量 C. 创新尝试企业统付流量客户免费以及定向业务流量优惠 D. 流量促销力度加大 [判断题]指挥人员不能同时看清司机和负载时,应站在能看清负载的位置为主,凭音响信号指挥司机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]已操作的操作票应注明( )字样。操作票至少应保存1年。
A.已操作 B.已执行 C.合格 D.已终结 [判断题]正常运行或故障时,不会引起周围爆炸性混合物爆炸的电气设备称防爆电气设备。()
A.A.作业内容 B.B.作业人员分工 C.C.作业中可能存在的危险因素 D.D.作业结束时间 [判断题]送电时,先合线路测刀闸,再合母线侧刀闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]易燃易爆化学物品仓库管理人员在发货时,必须检查提货单位的( ) 。
A.介绍信 B.《易燃易爆化学物品准运证》 C.《易燃易爆化学物品消防安全许可证》 D.《易燃易爆化学物品消防安全审核意见书》 [判断题]低压配电线路和设备停电后,检修或装表接电前,应在与停电检修部位或表计电气上直接相连的可验电部位验电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]目前,铁路高墩墩身多采用( )施工。
A.定型模板 B.大模板 C.倒模、爬模和转模 D.滑模、爬模和翻模 [判断题]只要系统中抓取出可疑交易就应上报人民银行,而无需进行人工分析以筛选过滤掉实质不可疑的交易
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1693年,天文学家哈雷用科学方法精确地计算出各年龄人口的死亡率,编制出世界上第 一份( )。[2008年真题]
A.年金现值表 B.生命表 C.生存率表 D.依死亡率而变化的费率表 [单选题] 患者女性,60岁。因反复呕吐5天住院,血清钠118mmol/L,P120次/分,BP70/50mmHg。应诊断为( )
A.轻度缺钠 B.中度缺钠 C.重度缺钠 D.轻度缺水 E.中度缺水 我来回答: 提交