A. share capital B. shareholding system
C. original capital D. individual share
E. staff share F. joint stock company
G. controlling company H. the ups and downs of the stock market
I. stock market J. government-controlled share
K. private-owned share L. second-hand share
M. shareholding cooperative system N. prior preferred stock
O. circulation stock P. stock exchange
Scientists have long been trying to
find an effective way to treat drug users. However, most of the efforts have
been fell flat, with treatment results not encouraging. Scientists do not give
up, and continue with their researches. Until the end of last century, some new
treatment methods were found. Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) is one of
them. It is a brief intervention used to treat adolescent drug use that occurs
with other problem behaviors. These co-occurring problem behaviors include
conduct problems at home and at school. BSFT is based on three basic principles. The first is that BSFT is a family system approach. Family system means that family members are interdependent: What affects one family member affects other family members. According to family system theory, the drug-using adolescent is a fam A. how scientists are trying to find an effective treatment for drug users B. how doctors and hospitals should help drug users to quit drugs C. how a new kind of therapy is developed by scientists D. how a new kind of therapy works [多选题]改革开放以来,我们取得一切成绩和进步的根本原因,归结起来就是( ).
A.开辟了中国特色社会主义道路 B.形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系 C.确立了中国特色社会主义制度 D.发展了中国特色社会主义文化 [单项选择]
Standard English is the variety of English which is usually used in print and which is normally taught in schools and to non-native speakers learning the language. It is also the variety which is normally (21) by educated people and used in news broadcasts and other (22) situations. The difference between standard and nonstandard, it should be noted, has (23) in principle to do with differences between formal and colloquial (24) ; standard English has colloquial as well as formal variants. [单选题] 电流表、电压表本身的阻抗规定是( )。
A.电流表阻抗较小、电压表阻抗较大; B.电流表阻抗较大、电压表阻抗较小; C.电流表、电压表阻抗相等; D.电流表阻抗等于2倍电压表阻抗。 [判断题]《中华人民共和国节约能源法》规定:任何单位和个人都应当依法履行节能义务,有权检举浪费能源的行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于清朝对边疆的管理,下列说法不正确的是:
A.在西藏实行政教合一制度 B.在新疆设置伊犁将军 C.台湾在建省前归浙江省管辖 D.在蒙古族聚居区实行盟旗制度 [单选题]117、中性点不接地的电力系统中,发生单相接地故障时,可继续运行( )小时。
A.20 B.2 C.12 [多选题]列车按运输性质分为( )。(应知应会-《技规》第233条)
A.旅客列车 B.特快货物班列 C.军用列车 D.货物列车 [单项选择]女,32岁,2天来出现尿频、尿急、尿痛,发冷发热39℃,腰痛,化验尿常规脓细胞成堆,红细胞(+),血常规白细胞14×109/L,中段尿细菌培养大肠杆菌菌落计数14×105/ml
该患者化验尿常规检查可见 A. 白细胞管型 B. 红细胞管型 C. 大量蛋白尿 D. 上皮细胞管型 E. 颗粒管型 [单选题]锚杆锚固段的上覆土层厚度不宜小于( )。
A.3m B.4m C.5m D.6m [单项选择]全胃肠外营养液配制后暂存冰箱内维持的温度是
A. 0℃ B. 1℃ C. 4℃ D. 8℃ E. 12℃ [单项选择]I can prescribe some pills which will relieve the pain, but you'd be well advised not to overwork yourself.
A. 我会开些止痛的药给你,你就不要再担心了。 B. 我可以给你开些止痛药,不过你最好不要过于劳累。 C. 我会开些治脑的药给你,不过我建议你最好不要给自己太多工作。 D. 我可以给你开些治头痛的药, 只是你不应给自己吃太多的药。 [单选题]有关畸胎瘤的描述,错误的是
A.好发于卵巢、睾丸 B.由两个胚层以上的组织构成 C.未成熟型可见原始神经组织 D.多呈囊性,囊内充满油脂、毛发 E.肿瘤起源于生发上皮 [多选题]( )2017 年 10 月 16 日起实施的《上海轨道交通电话闭塞法作业指导书》中规定,车站应在每天运营开始前做好电话闭塞法所需设备( )的状态检查确认工作。
A.信号灯/旗 B.路票 C.调度命令单 D.无线对讲设备 E.闭塞电话 [单选题]作业平台上的所有人员在车辆移动中应注意防止( )碰刮伤人。
A.作业车 B.接触网设备 C.机具材料 D.安全装置 我来回答: 提交