Greysteel, Northern Ireland--Protestant
(新教的) gunmen shouting "trick or treat" walked into a Northern Irish shop
and killed at least seven people to avenge (报仇) the bombing of a protestant
shop one week ago. Eleven people were wounded, several seriously, when the two gunmen walked into the crowded Rising Sun pub in Greysteel, some 120 kilometres northeast of Belfast, carrying guns. It is said that they went near a frightened teenage girl and one made the old "trick or treat" greeting that children worldwidely use to get sweets from their neighbours. "I don’ t think that’s funny," she replied, then she was shot down. The dead included an 82-year-old man, a 52-year-old woman and the 19-year-old girl who had received the "trick or treat" offer. The shooting brought the death since Saturday’s IRA Belfast bombing to A. usually used by children to get sweets from others B. a warning used by criminals to snatch something C. a secret was used by protestant gunmen to kill somebody D. an old saying, but not used now [单选题]下列句子中,没有语病的一项是( )。
A.近日,国家发改委和住建部联合发文,要求各地在推进水价改革过程中严格履行水价调整程序,充分考虑社会承受能力,尤其要做好低收入家庭的保障工作 B.据美国媒体报道,基地老二网上再次现声,指责奥巴马未在就职演说中提及加沙,呼吁穆斯林报复美国支持以色列 C.最近卫生部组织打击违法添加非食用物质和滥用食品添加剂,公布了4批43种可能违法添加的非食用物质和19种易被滥用的食品添加剂的黑名单 D.李玉刚的男女声同歌演唱的独特技巧和极具中国古典韵味的扮相,不仅在澳洲悉尼歌剧院引起轰动,蜚声海外,还引起央视“艺术人生”栏目的关注,对他进行了独家专访 [简答题]简述英国内阁制出现的过程背景影响。
[单项选择]程控数字用户交换机的话务量何种情况宜采用直拨呼出中继方式( )
A. 写字楼 B. 机关、保密单位 C. ≥40Erl D. >12000门 [单选题]遥控无人机着陆时,对用侧滑的方法修正侧风影响的正确描述是
A.判明偏流的方向及影响大小,适量向◎侧风反方向压杆形成坡度,并反扭舵抵制飞 机转弯 B.判明偏流的方向及影响大小,适量向口侧风方向压杆形成坡度,并反扭舵抵制飞机 转弯 C.判明偏流的方向及影响大小,适量向侧风方向压杆形成坡度,并同向扭舵抵制飞机 转弯 我来回答: 提交