Mark Twain once observed that giving up
smoking is easy. He knew, because he’ d done it hundreds of times himself.
Giving up for ever is a trifle more difficult, apparently, and it is well known
that it is much more difficult for some people than for others. Why is this
so Few doctors believe any longer that it is simply a question of will power. And for those people that continue to view addicts as merely "weak", recent genetic research may force a rethink. A study conducted by Jacqueline Vink, of the Free University of Amsterdam, used a database called the Netherlands Twin Register to analyze the smoking habits of twins. Her results, published in the Pharmacogenomics Journal, suggest that an individual’ s degree of nicotine dependence, and even the number of cigarettes he smokes per day, are strongly genetically influenced. The A. a particular human gene. B. a DNA letter, C. a bank of genes. D. functional DNA letters. [单选题]市场主体信息发生变化时,应当自变更之日起( )个工作日内主动向交易中心申请变更。
A.5 B.7 C.3 D.1 [单项选择]将税收分为直接税和间接税,是以______为标准进行的分类。
A. 税收课税对象 B. 计税依据 C. 税收管理权限 D. 税负能否转嫁 [多选题]可用作消防水源的有( )。
A.市政给水 B.消防水池 C.天然水源 D.游泳池 E.消防水箱(高位消防水池) [单选题]大功率扬声器不具备( )功能。
A.A.扩音 B.录音 C.播放音乐 D.调节音色 [多选题]下井人员必须坚持做到的“十不”中有( )
A.不穿化纤衣服 B.井下不睡觉 C.不违章作业 D.不拆卸矿灯 [判断题]CR400AF(-A)动车组二级修塞拉门检测与清洁,检查隔离锁长插销舌端与锁挡间是否保持>8mm的搭接量。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]变压器主绝缘为什么采用油-纸屏蔽绝缘?
[多项选择]下列内容中,( )属于组织设计的基本原则。
A. 权利层次性原则 B. 权责一致原则 C. 总监理工程师负责制原理 D. 最佳跨度原则 E. 统一指挥原则 [判断题]法治有可能是现代文明的制度基石。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对无法直接验电的设备,应间接验电,即通过设备的()及各种遥测、遥信等信号的变化来判断。
A.机械位置指示 B.电气指示 C.带电显示装置 D.仪表 我来回答: 提交