Bus Travel Now and Then Nobody, except perhaps little children, considers a journey in a bus as exciting experience. Although there are thousands of cars on the roads, more people travel by bus than by car. Workers rushing to their offices or factories, children hurrying to school, housewives going shopping, use buses. For cities without other public transport services, if all the buses were to stop running for a day, work would come to a standstill in hundreds of offices and factories and most classrooms would be deserted. Buses today are large and have comfortable seats, mostly facing the front. To get the driver to stop at a bus-stop, a passenger has merely to push a button, which rings a bell placed near the driver. The bus schedule for the city is well planned, and seldom do A. One may be forced to leave the bus. B. One may not have to pay the fare. C. One may become suffocated. D. One may lose one’s balance. [判断题]眼图可衡量接收波形的码间干扰情况。
[单选题] 为加快装卸,保证烃泵入口管路的静压差,在开启烃泵前应先将卸车与储罐之间的液化气( )接通,以便在装卸过程中平衡二者之间的压力。
A.液相管道 B.气相、液相同时 C.气相管道接通 D.静电线 [简答题]我国国务院的行政方式有哪些?
A. 标识是否完整 B. 字迹是否清晰 C. 有无生产日期 D. 有无营养成份 [多项选择]Nowhere to Go
For the latest on the pursuit of the American Dream in Silicon Valley, all you have to do is to talk to someone like "Nagaraj"(who didn’t want to reveal his real name). He’s an Indian immigrant who, like many other Indian engineers, came to America recently on an H-1B visa, which allows skilled workers to be employed by one company for as many as six years. But one morning last month, Nagaraj and a half dozen other Indian workers with H-1Bs were called into a conference room in their San Francisco technology-consulting firm and told they were being laid off. The reason: weakening economic conditions in Silicon Valley, "It was the shock of my lifetime," says Nagaraj.
^This is not a normal bear-market sob story. According to federal regulations, Nagaraj and his colleagues have two choices. They must either return to India, or find another job in a tight labor market and hope that the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) allows them to transfer their visa
[单选题]水温对混凝效果的影响,下列描述错误的是( )
A.水温低时,絮体形成缓慢 B.水温低时,形成的絮体机构松散 C.水温低时,难以形成较大絮体 D.水温越高,混凝效果越好 [单选题] 电动系仪表主要由()组成。
A.固定的磁路系统和可动的线圈 B.固定的线圈和可动的磁路系统 C.固定的线圈和可动的线圈 D.固定的线圈和可动的软磁铁片 [单选题]工作班成员的变更,应经( )的同意,并在工作票上做好变更记录。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.工作票签发人与工作许可人 [多项选择]Which are the prerequisites for performing flashback transactions on your database?()
A. Undo retention guarantee for the database must be configured. B. Supplemental log must be enabled for the primary key. C. Supplemental log must be enabled. D. Execute permission on the DBMS_FLASHBACK package must be granted to the user. [多选题]检修前,在冗余系统()中将检修设备切换成检修状态时,应确认其余主机、节点、通道或电源正常运行。
A.A.双/多机 B.B.双/多节点 C.C.双/多通道 D.D.双/多电源 [单项选择]处理卡在溜煤眼中的煤、矸放炮一次最大装药量不得超过()Ag。
A. 450 B. 900 C. 45 [多项选择]下列可以用来观测垂直位移的方法是()。
A. 几何水准测量法 B. 精密导线法 C. 液体静力水准法 D. 三角高程测量法 [单项选择]流行病学调查的资料在分析时一般不用()。
A. 标准差 B. 中位数 C. 标准误 D. 平均数 E. 可信区间 [单项选择]控制感染最简单、直接、有效的措施为 ()
A. 加强医护人员教育 B. 控制感染源 C. 切断传播途径 D. 保护易感宿主 E. 有效药物治疗 [单项选择]曲棍球重大的国际比赛有世界曲棍球锦标赛、奥运会曲棍球比赛和()。
A. 世界杯曲棍球比赛 B. 世界女子曲棍球锦标赛 C. 世界青年曲棍球锦标赛 [单项选择]进口整流罩安装定位销的作用是().
A. 保证进口整流罩安装的强度 B. 保证进口整流罩安装的刚度 C. 保证进口整流罩安装的位置 D. 检查用的标记 [不定项选择题]男,12岁,误服有机磷农药1605(对流酸)一口,急送医院就诊,当时测定胆碱酯酶活力为54%
A.<30% B.<45% C.<50% D.<75% E.100% [多项选择]根据有关规定对下列项目工程量清单计算时,以m3为计量单位的有( )。
A. 预制混凝土楼梯 B. 现浇混凝土楼梯 C. 现浇混凝土板 D. 现浇混凝土雨篷 E. 现浇混凝土阳台 [判断题]排水泵检修过程中使用链条钳,不得用加长杆及两人对同一链条钳用力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]填用配电( )工作票的配电线路工作,可不履行工作许可手续
A.第一种 B.第二种 C.低压 D.带电作业 [单项选择]哮喘急性发作时快速解痉治疗首选()
A. 静脉用抗生素 B. 静脉用糖皮质激素 C. 吸入β2受体激动剂 D. 白三烯受体拮抗剂 E. 抗胆碱能药物 [单选题]当自动驾驶仪接通时,飞行员在俯仰或者横滚施加多大A力可以使自动驾驶仪断开
A.俯仰5daN、横滚3.5daN B.俯仰4daN、横滚3 daN [单选题]
高温场所为防止中暑,应多饮什么饮料最好? ( ) A. 矿泉水 B. 汽水 C. 淡盐水 D. 纯净水 [多选题]下列关于因果图的叙述,错误的是( )。
A.A:一种逐步深入研究和讨论质量问题的图示方法 B.B:优于直方图 C.C:又称特性要因图 D.D:因果图可称为巴氏图 [单选题]有限空间作业,在日落后半小时至次日早晨日出间设置()闪烁灯,并有专人看守。
A.红色 B.黄色 C.白色 我来回答: 提交