Under pressure from animal welfare groups, two national science teachers associations have adopted guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals. The National Association of Biology Teachers and the National Science Teachers Association hope to end animal abuse in elementary and secondary schools and, in turn, discourage students from mishandling animals in home experiments and science fair projects.
Animal welfare groups are apparently most concerned with high school students experimenting with animals in extracurricular projects. Barbara Orlans, President of the Scientists’ Center for Animal Welfare, said that students have been performing surgery at random, testing known poisonous substances, and running other pathology experiments on animals without even knowing normal physiology.
At one science fair, a student cut off the leg and tail of a lizard to demonstrate that only the tail can regenerate, she said. In another case, a student bound spa
A. stopping all animal abuse in schools.
B. establishing guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals.
C. protecting animals from being experimented with in extracurricular projects.
D. persuading two national science teachers associations to adopt an animal protection policy.
The Internet is changing the way
musicians sell their work and broadening the range of music that consumers get
to hear. Says A1 Teller, former chief executive of MCA Music Group who now heads
Atomic Pop, a new company that will sell downloadable music on the web: "What
the web offers is an opportunity for the artist to go directly to the consumer."
Musicians and entrepreneurs are exploring new ways of putting the technology to
use. DJ Spooky recently featured his music on a deejay website that encouraged
users to remix his work and e-mail the new creations to Others; he’s now putting
the finishing touches on his own site. The California-based company Liquid Audio
offers free downloads of songs by groups like Hole that self-destruct (自毁) after
a few days, teasing listeners to buy the whole CD. In the physical world,
because of A. composing on the web B. featuring their music on the web C. selling their work on the web D. getting in touch with the consumers directly [单选题]在试验和推广新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料的同时,应制定相应的安全措施,经()批准后执行。
A.工作负责人 B.工作票签发人 C.本单位 D.专责监护人 [单选题]旅客列车分为( ),特快、快速、普通旅客列车。(《技规》第233条)
A.动车组列车 B.行包列车 C.军运列车 D.行包快运列车 [单选题]空调移机,造成设备损坏,应该由负责。
A.施工人员 B.设备厂家 C.用户 [填空题]固体二氧化碳又称为干冰,干冰的分子结构与特性是稳定的,干冰只有在()压力时才能融化成液体。
A. 朱自清 B. 钱钟书 C. 朱光潜 D. 郁达夫 [单项选择]举臂,腋中线上,第4肋间隙的腧穴是()
A. 辄筋 B. 胸乡 C. 渊液 D. 大包 E. 带脉 [单选题]按照质量等级 我国将汽油机油分为( )个等级
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.8 [判断题]每台用电设备必须独立设置开关箱;开关箱必须装设隔离开关及短路、过载、漏电保护器,严禁设置分路开关。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《单位定期存单质押贷款管理规定》中规定,质押贷款合同期满,借款人未按期归还贷款____的;借款人违约,贷款人需依法提前收回贷款的;借款人或出质人被____的;出质人违约,贷款人需依法提前____的,贷款人可____处分单位定期存单。
A.本金和利息 B.宣告破产或解散 C.收回贷款 D.依法定方式 [填空题]中国古代流行时间最长、产量最大的是( )瓷。
[单选题]缺铁性贫血最常见的病因是( )
A.脾破裂 B.胃溃疡大出血 C.十二指肠溃疡大出血 D.肺结核大咯血 E.钩虫病 [单项选择]热毒蕴结型疖宜选用的内服方是()
A. 防风通圣散 B. 清暑汤 C. 五味消毒饮 D. 五神汤 E. 仙方活命饮 [判断题]直流电药物离子导入疗法的禁忌证与直流电疗法一致,无其他特殊要求。( )
[不定项选择题]安道尔,世界上国民寿命最长的国家,这颗安睡在比利牛斯山的心间,夹在法国与西班牙两国之间的明珠,有着一千多年在大国包围下的历史。安道尔是一个非常小的内陆国,不足8 万人,且一半以上都是外来移民。最重要的经济来源便是旅游业,以优美的风景,优质的管理和服务,吸引旅游者的滑雪场、免征商品税的低价商品等招揽游客,通过免征个人所得税等措施吸引储蓄。因此,安道尔每年能够吸引一千多万的游客来此度假、购物。
有香烟、烈酒。在安道尔,有上千家商铺,主要分为五大类:数码产品、香烟烈酒、护肤香水、药妆、滑雪服滑雪装备。同时夹杂着几个大型卖场和精致的珠宝名表商铺。最有特色的商铺便是数码产品类了,单反相机、平板电脑、智能手机等电子产品一应俱全,让旅游者的“血拼”不虚此行。这里最大的连锁店为 QUARS,目前市面上最新型号的数码产品都可以在这里找到。
[多选题]which statements about ·non.use of force)are correct?
A. Prohibition of the resort to war is a valid principle of international law. B. states shall resolve their disputes peacefully. C. Resort to force in self.defense also constitute a commonly recognized principle of international law. D. 1t isn)t binding on states who are not members of the UN. [单选题]根据《新疆电力公司电力安全工器具管理规定(试行)》,公司物资部是公司系统安全工器具招标、采购主管部门负责组织安全工器具招标、()工作。
A.A.维护 B.B.采购 C.C.清洁 D.D.保养 [单选题]单选题:大客流情况下组织乘客分批进入车站时,需增派人手,关键点要专人把守,( )要由专人指挥。
A.分流时 B.控放 C.关键点 D.楼梯口 我来回答: 提交