Kidnappings around the world have typically had one
of two major goals: publicity for a local political cause or as a form of
"fund-raising" for the kidnappers. Recently, kidnappings for political reasons
have been on the decrease, whereas kidnapping for profit has seen a dramatic
increase. A prime example of this trend is in Colombia. Colombia is considered to be the kidnapping capital of the world, with rival guerrilla and paramilitary groups consistently abducting civilians--including businessmen, tourists and aid workers. The ransom money obtained from these activities is used primarily to finance a 37 year civil war in Colombia. The U.S. State Department estimates that more than 3,000 people are kidnapped in Colombia each year. Most kidnap victims are Colombians who are either wealthy or who can at l A. Because they are unfriendly to other people. B. Because they live overseas or travel internationally in a large number each year.. C. Because they are indeed the richest people in the world. D. Because they manage most of the insurance and security companies. [多项选择]多摊人完工产品的成本为( )。
A. 4万元 B. 5万元 C. 6万元 D. 以上均不正确 [判断题]由于高加疏水的作用,即使高加管束发生严重泄漏也不会影响汽侧水位。()
[多选题]如果测得的内水比较大,可能是因为( )
A.制样后还没有达到空气干燥状态直接装瓶 B.制样时没有干燥直接制样 C.煤自身内水大 D.灰分低 [多项选择]租赁的特点包括()。
A. 所有权与使用权相分离 B. 分散风险 C. 租赁具有连续性 D. 融资与融物相结合 E. 租金分期支付 [简答题]同杆(塔)塔架设的多层电力线路验电应如何进行?
A. 支付中介职能 B. 信用中介职能 C. 信用创造职能 D. 金融服务职能 [单项选择]十二经中具有两条别络的经脉是()
A. 足少阴肾经 B. 足太阴脾经 C. 手少阴心经 D. 手太阴肺经 E. 足厥阴肝经 [简答题]试评述对待反致的理论上的不同观点。
[单选题]《国家电网有限公司输变电工程验收管理办法》适用于公司建设管理的( )千伏及以上输变电工程(含新建变电站配套10千伏送出线路工程),其他工程参照执行。。
A.35$ B.$110$ C.$220$ D.0.5 [判断题]人工呼吸的操作频率为:a)胸外按压每分钟80次左右;b)单人同时进行胸外按压与口对口的,每压15次后吹气2次;c)双主同时进行胸外按压与口对口的,每压5次后吹气1次。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]吸附-解吸气相色谱法测定空气中氯乙烯时,采样结束后,用胶帽密封采样管两端,存放在()中待测。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《变电安规》,工作票一份应保存在工作地点,由( )收执;另一份由工作许可人收执,按值移交。
A.工作票签发人 B.专责监护人 C.工作负责人 D.变电运维负责人 我来回答: 提交