Between the eighth and eleventh
centuries A. D., the Byzantine Empire staged an almost unparalleled economic and
cultural revival, a revival that is all the more striking because it followed a
long period of severe internal decline. By the early eighth century, the empire
had lost roughly 2/3 of the territory it had possessed in the year 600, and its
remaining area was being raided by Arabs and Bulgarians, who at times threatened
to take Constantinople and extinguish the empire altogether. The wealth of the
state and its subjects was greatly diminished, and artistic and literary
production had virtually ceased. By the early eleventh century, however, the
empire had regained almost half of its lost possessions, its new frontiers were
secure, and its influence extended far beyond its borders. The economy had
recovered. The treasury w A. cloning is beneficial and moral problems can be avoided B. cloning should be banned due to its moral side effect C. cloning offers a possibility of reproducing people D. cloning may cause social and welfare problems [单项选择]在市场经济体制下,宏观经济调控应以()为主。
A. 直接调控 B. 间接调控 C. 计划调控 D. 价格调控 [单项选择]规定企业组织建立质量管理体系的文件,对企业质量体系作系统、完整和概要的描述是()。
A. 质量方针 B. 质量手册 C. 程序文件 D. 质量记录 [单选题]张三为某黑社会性质组织的领导者,在其实施故意杀人行为时,被公安机关抓获,在运往法院开庭审理时,有人劫夺张三,在来不及警告的情况下,押运民警( )使用武器
A.不可以 B.可以直接 C.查明情况后 D.以上选项都不对 [单项选择]认证的目的不包括()。
A. 发送者是真的 B. 接受者是真的 C. 消息内容是真的 D. 消息内容是完整的 [填空题]非集中联锁条件下,安全线有效长根据()和()确定。
[单项选择]公司公开发行股份前已经发行的股份,自公司股份在证券交易所上市交易之日起( )年内不得转让。
A. 5 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 [多选题]制定供应链运营中心评级评价标准,()。2021年度评价实行达标创星制,按评价标准进行达标验收、示范创星。
A.半年滚动优化 B.半年动态更新 C.逐年滚动优化 D.逐年动态更新 [单选题]云视讯支持的最高清晰度的视频格式是( )
A.720p60帧 B.720p30帧 C.1080p60帧 D.1080p30帧 [单项选择]大多数直接升压式X线机调节管电压的方法是改变高压变压器的()
A. 初级输入电压 B. 次级输出电压 C. 初级匝数 D. 次级匝数 E. 初次级匝数混合调节 [单选题]根据《中国农业银行客户洗钱和恐怖融资风险等级分类管理办法》,对于人工复评后将上次等级结果由高风险等级向较低调整的,应经过()后,方可完成客户洗钱风险等级评定。
A.营业机构同级审核 B.由营业机构逐级上报至一级支行客户管理部门审核,经一级支行反洗钱主管部门审定 C.由营业机构逐级上报至二级分行客户管理部门审核,经二级分行反洗钱主管部门审定 D.由营业机构逐级上报至一级分行客户管理部门审核,经一级分行反洗钱主管部门审定 [判断题]瓦斯涌出不均衡系数是最大绝对瓦斯涌出量与相对瓦斯涌出量的比值。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]大剂量维生素c注射可用于哪种农药中毒的解救( )
A. 百草枯 B. 双甲脒 C. 敌枯双 D. 拟除虫菊酯 E. 甲胺磷 [单选题] 可以取代传统键盘的光标移动键的设备是______。
A. 扫描仪 B. 绘图仪 C. 鼠标 D. 显示器 [单选题]某企业从银行取得一笔长期借款2000万元,年利率8%,期限3年,每年年末结息一次,到期一次还本,借款手续费率0.2%,企业所得税率25%,则该笔借款的资金成本率为( )。
A.6.00% B.6.01% C.8.02% D.8.20% [单项选择]1 Several men have been responsible for promoting forestry as a profession. Foremost was Gifford Pinchot, the father of professional forestry in America. He was chief of the Forest Service from 1898 until 1910, working with President Theodore Roosevelt to instigate sound conservation practices in forests. Later he was professor of forestry and founder of the Pinchot School of Forestry at Yale University. Another great forester was Dr. Bernard E. Fernow, the first head of the U.S. Forest Service. He organized the first American school of professional forestry at Cornell University.
2 The foresters of today, like Pinchot and Fernow in the past, plan and supervise the growth, protection, and utilization of trees. They make maps of forest areas, estimate the amount of standing timber and future growth, and manage timber sales. They also protect the trees from fire, harmful insects, and disease. Some foresters may be responsible for other duties, ranging from wi A. To describe different philosophies of forestry management B. To show how the field of forestry has changed in 100 years C. To argue for the expansion of university forestry programs D. To introduce the types of work done by professional foresters [单项选择]用直流电桥测量变压器绕组直流电阻的充电过程中,电桥指示的电阻值随时间增长而()
A. 增加 B. 不变 C. 减小 D. 先增加后减小 [名词解释]稳定性
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]水银体温计根据用途可分为( )。
A. 圆形棒式 B. 三角形棒式 C. 新生儿棒式 D. 元宝形棒式口腔用 E. 内标式腋下用 [单选题]交流电的电流(____)。
A.大小随时间作周期性变化,方向不变 B.大小不变,方向随时间作周期性变化 C.大小和方向随时间作周期性变化 D.大小和方向都不随时间作周期性变化 [名词解释]棉织物
A. 食管静脉曲张破裂出血 B. 出血糜烂性胃炎出血 C. 反流性食管炎出血 D. 食管贲门黏膜撕裂综合征 E. 十二指肠溃疡出血 [多选题]窄基塔按平腿设计,耐张塔塔高分为( )
A.12m B.13m C.15m D.18m [单选题]税收:减排
A.投资:增长 B.旅行:阅历心情 D.读书:视野 我来回答: 提交