What can be said of the normal process
of aging, from a linguistic point of view In general (1) ,
there is a clear and (2) relationship: no-one would have much
difficulty (3) a baby, a young child, a teenager, a
middle-aged person, or a very old person from a tape recording. With
children, (4) is possible for specialists in language
development, and people experienced (5) child care, to make
very detailed (6) about how language correlates with age in
the early years. (7) is known about the patterns of
linguistic change that affect older people. It is plain that our voice quality,
vocabulary, and style alter (8) we grow older, but research
(9) the nature o A. what B. this C. one D. it [多选题]关于警情受理复盘的评价主要分为( )。
A.受理警情 B.报告警情 C.信息分析 D.警情跟踪 [多选题]长期趋势法主要有( )等方法。
A.数学曲线拟合法 B.衰减曲线法 C.平均增减量法 D.平均发展速度法 E.指数修匀法 [判断题]整理着装,通常在稍息的基础上进行。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]混凝土面板垂直缝砂浆条铺设的施工程序正确的是( )。
A. 先铺止水,再铺砂浆,架立侧模 B. 先铺砂浆,再铺止水,架立侧模 C. 架立侧模,再铺止水,铺砂浆 D. 架立侧模,再铺砂浆,铺止水 [单项选择]主要存在于釉质分泌期的釉基质蛋白是()
A. 釉原蛋白 B. 釉蛋白 C. 鞘蛋白 D. 内源性金属蛋白酶 E. 丝蛋白酶 [单选题]《配电安规》高压试验不得少于两人,试验负责人应由( )担任。
A.A-有试验资质人员 B.B-工作负责人 C.C-班长 D.D-有经验的人员 [单选题]负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门对安全生产的事项进行审查、验收时,要求生产经营单位购买其指定品牌,或者购买指定生产、销售单位的安全设备、器材或者其他产品。这种错误行为属于 ( )。
A.滥用职权 B.破坏公平竞争 C.侵犯生产经营自主权 [单选题] |