Nowadays, incoming generations really rely now
on the power of the "Internet" when it comes to searching for information. Just
type the word or phrase you’re looking{{U}} 62 {{/U}}and click, there
goes your answer. So why{{U}} 63 {{/U}}wasting time turning the pages
of encyclopedias if in just a snap of a finger you have what you needed People
underestimate the power of encyclopedias. Well, technically, all of them are{{U}}
64 {{/U}}sources which means, they are like the walls that can fully
support your data. They are first hand accounts done by professionals and{{U}}
65 {{/U}}. On the other hand, Internet information I’m not saying all of them, are{{U}} 66 {{/U}}secondary, or third hand sources{{U}} 67 {{/U}}basically means that they have been edited or{{U}} 68 {{/U}}.They maybe data collected from several sources and A. without B. as C. but D. or [单选题]使用链条葫芦和手扳葫芦时,操作人员禁止站在葫芦()方。
A.正前 B.正下 C.侧后 D.正后 [单项选择]某保险公司经监管机关批准成立,注册资本为2.5亿元人民币。开业时该保险公司向监管机关指定的银行存入1000万元人民币作为保证金。随后,公司以新业务开展困难为由,发动员工外出推销本公司险种,甚至鼓励员工跨越指定区域推销保单。该保险公司的违规行为可能导致欺诈行为发生,这种欺诈行为主要来自()。
A. 投保人方面 B. 保险人方面 C. 社会方面 D. 合同条款方面 [判断题]现场防护员接到驻站联络员发出变更通知后,均应立即通知施工负责人,直至对方以相同信号回答时为止。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]原棉分类应注意的问题有()、()、()、()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 由集中火灾报警控制器、区域火灾报警控制器、区域显示器和火灾探测器等组成功能较复杂的火灾自动报警系统称为( )。
A.区域报警系统 B.集中报警系统 C.控制中心报警系统 D.集中区域兼容报警系统 [多选题]《行规》第22条:1.下列调度命令中哪些禁止使用列车无线调度通信设备向司机发布、转达()。
A.列车中挂有装载超限货物的车辆 B.向封锁区间开行救援列车 C.停用基本闭塞改电话闭塞法 D.向封锁区间开行救援单机 [填空题]
Are you always sure you know what people mean when they try to
describe their feelings to you We use both words and gestures to express our
feelings, but the problem is that these words and gestures can be interpreted in
different ways.
It is tree that a smile means the same things in any language. So (31) laughter or crying. There are also a number of striking similarities in the way different animals show the (32) feeling. Does, tigers and humans, for example, often show their teeth when they are angry. This is probably (33) such behavior patterns are inherited rather than (34) . Fear is another emotion that is shown in (35) the same way all over the world. In Chinese and in English fiction, a phrase like ’he went pale and began to tremble’ suggests that the man is (36) very afraid or has just had a very nasty shock. However, ’he opened his eyes wide’ is used. to suggested anger in Chinese (37) [单选题]触电伤员脱离电源后,正确的抢救体位是()。
A.左侧卧位 B.右侧卧位 C.仰卧位 D.俯卧位 E.略 F.略 [判断题]高速铁路,发现影响行车安全时,须及时通知列车调度员限速运行或封锁线路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]金融资本对社会经济生活的控制()。
A. 通过“企业联合”实现 B. 通过“代理制”实现 C. 通过“个人联合”实现 D. 通过“参与制”实现 [单选题]绕线式电动机的定子作耐压实验时,转子绕组应()。
A.开路 B.短路 C.接地 D.严禁接地 [单选题]在特殊情况下需在带压和带电的设备上进行焊接时,应采取安全措施,并经()批准。
A.工作许可人 B.工作票签发人 C.运维负责人 D.本单位 [多选题]企业网上银行业务指通过互联网,为我省农村信用社企业客户提供()等金融服务的网上银行业务;
A.电子汇票处理 B.账户管理 C.代收代付 D.功能申请 [多选题]目前,我国个人投资黄金产品的方式有( )。
A.购买实物黄金 B.购买金币 C.购买金饰品 D.购买黄金矿业公司发行的上市股票或黄金基金 E.购买纸黄金 [简答题]鼻痔方功效与作用
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