The rough guide to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for. No longer. While traditional "paid" media — such as television commercials and print advertisements — still play a major role, companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media. Consumers passionate about a product may create "earned" media by willingly promoting it to friends, and a company may leverage "owned" media by sending email alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its website. In fact, the way consumers now approach the process of making purchase decisions means that marketing’s impact stems from a broad range of factors beyond conventional paid media.
Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products. For earned media, such marketers act as the initiator for users’ responses. But in some cases, one marketer’s owned media become another marketer’s paid media &m
A. responding effectively to hijacked media
B. persuading customers into boycotting products
C. cooperating with supportive consumers
D. taking advantage of hijacked media
It’s becoming something of a joke along
the Maine-Canada border. So many busloads of retired people crisscross the line
looking for affordable drugs that the roadside stands should advertise,
"Lobsters. Blueberries. Lipitor. Coumalin." Except, of course, that such a
market in prescription drugs would be illegal. These senior long-distance shopping strees fall in a legal gray zone. But as long as people cross the border with prescriptions from a physician and have them filled for no more than a three-month supply for personal use, customs and other federal officials leave them alone. The trip might be tiring, but people can save an average of 60 percent on the cost of their prescription drugs. For some, that’s the difference between taking the drugs or doing without. "The last bus trip I was on six months ago had 25 seniors," say A. they couldn’t improve the well-being of the elderly B. they couldn’t afford to ignore the elderly’s votes C. they saw the elderly as the greatest contributors D. they saw the elderly as deserving a special care [判断题]违规出具金融票证罪侵犯的客体是国家对金融票证的管理制度。
A.保护接地 B.保护接零 C.绝缘 D.漏电保护 [单选题]失速警告测试要求AC转换汇流条通电至少__分钟。
A.3分钟 B.4分钟 C.5分钟 [单项选择]可被Ca+激活的是
A. PKA B. PKG C. PKC D. RTK E. G蛋白 [单项选择]吴强懂得礼貌待人,他经常对自己的邻居______。
A. 犯而不校 B. 以牙还牙 C. 针锋相对 D. 宽容大度 [多选题]下列属于线路标志的有()。
A.站名标 B.百米标 C.曲线标 D.坡度标 E.警冲标 [多选题] 用分析天平称量完毕后,应做的工作为( )
A. 及时取出所称的样品 B. 指数盘转到0位 C. 拔下电源 D. 为使电器元件不受潮,不必拔下电源头 [单选题]下列选项中,( )不属于客室车门门控器的作用。
A.驱动丝杆转动 B.收集车门系统反馈信号 C.传输各类数据 D.上报车门系统故障 [单选题]关于智能电池使用,说法错误的是()
A.具有自放电、充电保护等功能 B.飞行器在开机状态下,长按电池开关5秒可进入对频状态 C.电池可放入水中直接清洗 D.避免在阳光暴晒下进行充电 我来回答: 提交