Eat Healthy{{/B}} “Clean your plate!” and “Be a member of the clean plate club!” Just about every kid in the US has heard this from a parent or grandparent. Often, it’s accompanied by an appeal: “Just think about those starving orphans in Africa!” Sure, we should be grateful for every bite of food. Unfortunately, many people in the US take too many bites. Instead of staying “clean the plate”, perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow. According to news reports, US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing bellies. A waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer, with two to four times the amount recommended by the government, according to a USA Today story. Americans traditionally ass A. The US government recommended the amount of food a restaurant gave to a customer. B. Health experts persuaded restaurants to serve smaller portions. C. The United States produced more grain than needed. D. The American waistline started to expand, [简答题]作用阀的缓解状态如何?(绘图说明)
[单选题]被称之为“书圣”的我国著名书法家王羲之的代表作《兰亭序》的书体是( )。
A.隶书 B.楷书 C.行书 D.草书 [多选题]抑郁的症状包括()
A.一天中的多数时间情绪沮丧 B.对日常生活丧失兴趣 C.精力明显减退,无原因的持续疲乏感 D.自信心下降或自卑或有内疚感 E.失眠、早醒或睡眠过多 [多项选择]为了达到信息管理的目的,做到( ),并把握信息管理的各个环节。
A. 了解和掌握信息来源,对信息进行分类 B. 对信息进行加工整理 C. 掌握和正确运用信息管理的手段 D. 掌握信息流程的不同环节,建立各信息管理系统 E. 掌握信息的存储环节 [单选题]下列单、多层民用建筑中,当设置自动灭火系统和火灾自动报警系统时,其内部装修材料的燃烧性能等级不允许降级的是( )。
A.建筑高度18m的医院病房楼房间 B.建筑高度20m的旅馆的疏散走道 C.建筑高度22m的办公楼内的办公室 D.单独建造的幼儿园午休室 [单选题]相对数使用时应注意以下各点,除了 ( )
A.分母不宜过小 B.不要把构成比当率分析 C.可比性 D.平均水平与变异程度 [简答题]杜某是一位普通的农村妇女。丈夫长年在外打工,很少回家,而且由于经常抽烟喝酒,每年的积蓄所剩无几。杜某除了种地、养猪之外,还要照顾上学的女儿及体弱多病的婆婆,是家庭的经济支柱。婆婆和丈夫都希望杜某再生一个儿子,可杜某自己不想再生第二胎,因此,丈夫和婆婆总是冷言冷语,丈夫甚至以生不出儿子就离婚来威胁,还会对她施加暴力,杜某也觉得没生儿子是自己没用,丈夫对她的打骂使她在村子里抬不起头做人。村里和她要好的妇女都很同情她。像她这样挨打的妇女在她们村里还有不少,但大家都认为家丑不可外扬,都选择了沉默。杜某曾找过妇联和派出所,他们也都做过杜某家人的工作,但没起什么作用。村民还嘲笑杜某把自己和丈夫的不和拿到外面去议论。杜某感觉活得很累,想过离婚,可是又不知道离婚后自己和女儿可以去哪里,甚至想过自杀,可又舍不得年幼的女儿,于是只能认命。不久前,某社会工作服务机构在杜某所在的村庄开展服务。杜某经过一段时间的打探和了解,来到该机构求助。
问题: 从优势视角看,杜某拥有哪些资源 [单选题]锉刀往复运动速度一般为( )次/min,推出时慢,回程时可快些。(中)
A.10~20 B.20~30 C.30~40 D.40~50 [单项选择]建设工程的目标控制是一个( )的过程。
A. 无限循环,定期进行 B. 有限循环,定期进行 C. 无限循环,不定期进行 D. 有限循环,不定期进行 [简答题]试述《白鲸》的意义有哪三个层次。
[单项选择]Most people hate rock music. (31) I am not an unreasonable or biased person (32) nature, two vivid and striking (33) experiences of rock music during the past two weeks have persuaded me that it has become a(n) (34) for those of us with enough common sense to see its (35) dangers to point them out. My first experience—perhaps a minor one, (36) highly symptomatic—was the realization that if I spoke to my teenage son when he was listening to rock music (37) headphones, he replied in an unnaturally loud voice, (38) there was something wrong with his hearing. The second occurred when I went with him to a "concert" and witnessed for myself (39) these affairs are like. Till I went to the concert, I had always (40) the "live and let live" attitude that rock music was simply not my (41) but that other people had (42) fight to enjoy it if it was theirs.
But what I saw and heard ( A. in B. of C. with D. by [单项选择]把圆珠笔装上电子表,成为多功能的电子表笔的技术开发途径属于()
A. 独创型 B. 引进(转移)型 C. 综合与延伸型 D. 总结提高型 [单选题](75006)全制冷状态时,吸入和吹出的空气温差约为 ( )时为正常。[321210550](1.0分)
A.5~8 ℃ B.10~12 ℃ C.8~10 ℃ D.5~6 ℃ [判断题]金融机构在向中国反洗钱监测中心报告客户的可疑交易报告时,有告知客户的义务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]裂化反应器催化床层测温热电偶,横向插入反应器的热电偶,分别测量()
A. 床层中心和距中心点三分之二半径处的温度 B. 床层中心和距中心点三分之一半径处的温度 C. 床层中心和距中心点二分之一半径处的温度 D. 床层中心和距中心点四分之一半径处的温度 [单项选择]处于市场不景气或原料、能源供应紧张时期,()产品反而能使总利润上升。
A. 增加 B. 扩充 C. 延伸 D. 缩减 [单选题]顾全大局.联劳协作是( )的职业道德规范。
A.车辆钳工 B.行李员 C.检车员 D.货运员 [填空题]JZ-7型空气制动机自阀的重联柱塞阀是连通或切断( )与中继阀的联系。
A.70个 B.88.8V C.92.5V D.111V [单项选择]烟叶税实行比例税率,烟叶税的税率为()。
A. 10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 30% [填空题]B-ISDN综合选择了线路交换的实时性和分组交换的灵活性的 【4】 技术作为它的数据传输技术。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]压缩气体钢瓶或者油桶库房着火,必须在充分冷却,确认( )方能深入内部设置水枪阵地。
A.无热流后 B.无爆炸危险后 C.无烟气后 D.无泄漏后 [填空题] Music produces profound and lasting changes in the brain. Schools should add music classes, not cut them. Nearly 20 years ago, a small study advanced the 62 that listening to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major could boost mental functioning. It was not long 63 trademarked “Mozart effect” products began to appeal to anxious parents aiming to put toddlers (刚学步的孩子) 64 the fast track to prestigious universities like Harvard and Yale. Georgia’s governor even 65 giving every newborn there a classical CD or cassette.
The 66 for Mozart therapy turned out to be weak, perhaps nonexistent, although the 67 study never claimed anything more than a temporary and limited effect. In recent years, 68 , scientists have examined the benefits of a concerted 69 to study and practice music, as 70 to playing a Mozart CD or a computer-based“brain fitness” game 71 in a while.
Advanced monitoring 72 have enabled scientists to see what happens 73 your head when you listen to your mother and actual
A. A.up B.by C.on D.at [单选题]在城市内涝区域或平稳的水域实施救援行动时,未配备冲锋舟的,应经评估后谨慎使用()。
A.橡皮艇 B.木板 C.轮胎 D.救生圈 [单选题]作为疏散楼梯的室外楼梯除除疏散门外,楼梯周围( )m内的墙面上不应设置门窗洞口。
A.1.5 B.2 C.2.5 D.3 [填空题]德国大众车系装用Motronic系统的轿车,故障码的调取一般使用专用的故障诊断仪()或()。
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