Superstition is a biased word.
Look up almost any dictionary definition and you will see that it implies
that every religion not based on reason or knowledge is called a superstition.
Even the word knowledge is a two-faced word. Presumably, it is used as a synonym
for reason. What it all comes down to is that people designate as
superstitious what they do not think reasonable in someone else’s
religion. It is true that a person’s religion must be based on some kind of knowledge. But what kind of knowledge is meant Scientific, experimental, rational Such knowledge is natural and maybe ethical and then it is natural religious knowledge. A person may quite easily conclude from observing the universe that only God could have produced it. That knowledge is not religion, not even if a person is bound to recognize a creator of the A. The Great Religions on Earth B. What Is Superstition C. Religion and Superstition D. Achieve Unity with God [简答题]我国现代学前教育观应明确哪些观点?
A.口干 B.抗胆碱作用 C.降压 D.降低体温 E.降眼内压 [多选题]企业进行内部战略环境分析的方法有()。
A.量本利分析法 B.价值链分析法 C.核心竞争力分析法 D.SWOT分析法 E.五种竞争力分析法 [判断题]pjhz扑救地下商场火灾要充分利用固定消防设施和部队装备,加强内攻,控制火势,消灭火灾。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]临时补修是指( )以为主要作业手段,及时对线路几何尺寸超过临时补修容许偏差管理值及其他不良处所进行的临时性整修,以保证行车安全和平稳。
A. 憎寒壮热 B. 头目眩晕 C. 目赤睛痛 D. 大便秘结 E. 郁郁微烦 [多选题]若可燃气体的密度与空气接近,或比空气重,容易( )。
A.在局部积聚 B.形成爆炸性混合物不易散失 C.使火灾危险性减少 D.使火灾危险性增加 [填空题]() ,不能十步;()功在不舍。
A. ②③④ B. ①② C. ①②③④ D. ①②③ 我来回答: 提交