If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you
would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or{{U}}
(31) {{/U}} in your work would depend, to{{U}} (32)
{{/U}}great extent,{{U}} (33) {{/U}}your ability to use your
strengths and weaknesses to the best{{U}} (34) {{/U}}. Of the utmost
importance is your attitude. A person{{U}} (35) {{/U}} begins a
job convinces that he isn’t going to like it or is{{U}} (36) {{/U}}that
he is going to fail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success.
On the other hand, a person who is secure{{U}} (37) {{/U}} his belief
that he is probably as capable of doing the work as anyo A. effort B. try C. risk D. attempt [单选题]剩余索取权和( )两者构成了公司的所有权。
A.剩余分配权 B.利润分配权 C.剩余控制权 D.以上都不对 [单项选择]硝酸甘油没有的作用是()
A. 扩张容量血管 B. 增加心率 C. 减少回心血量 D. 降低心肌耗氧量 E. 增加室壁张力 [多选题]一个由6个P36节点组成的Oceanstor 9000存储系统,由以下哪些部分组成? (多选)
A.前段业务网络 B.后端存储网络 C.Wushan文件系统业务 管理网络 D.IPM管理网络 [判断题]XXF—A风机为新风机。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]从业人员不服从管理,违反安全生产规章制度或者操作规程的,由( )给予批评教育,依照有关规章制度给予处分。
A.生产经营单位 B.公安部门 C.安全部门 D.运营单位 [不定项选择题]A.产生降钙素
A.胰岛素绝对分泌不足 B.胰岛素相对分泌不足 C.缺碘 D.基础代谢率亢进 E.2型糖尿病 [单项选择] 现有: 5. class Order2 implements Runnable { 6. public void run() { 7. for (int x- o; x<4; x++) { 8. try{Thread.sleep(100); )catch (Exception e) { } 9. System.out.print("r"); 10. } } 11. public static void main(string [] args) { 12. Thread t=new Thread(new order2()); 13. t.start(); 14. for(int x=0; x<4; x++) { 15. //insert code here 16. System.out.print("m"); 17. } } } 哪一个插入到第15行,最有可能产生输出 rmrmrmrm?()
A. Thread.sleep(1); B. Thread.sleep(100); C. Thread.sleep(1000); D. try{ Thread.sleep(1); ) catch (Exception e) { } E. try{Thread.sleep(100); ) catch (Exception e) { } F. try{Thread.sleep(1000); ) catch (Exception e) { } [多项选择]刘某与李某系同乡,一起在南京打工,后来因刘某的女友赵某离他而去,李某遂与刘某将赵某的新男友王某打成轻伤,法院作出一审判决后,被告人李某提出了上诉,而被告人刘某未提出上诉,则:
A. 原审人民法院应当只将李某的上诉状和有关李某的案卷、证据移送上一级人民法院 B. 原审人民法院应当将有关李某、刘某的全部案卷、证据移送上一级人民法院 C. 第二审人民法院应当对全案进行审查,不受上诉人的请求的限制 D. 第二审人民法院发现有关刘某的第一审判决有错误的,应当按照审判监督程序对刘某的判决部分进行再审 [单项选择]It is a favorite pastime of older people to lament the defects of the young. Every generation seems to be convinced that in its day, standards were higher, schools were tougher and kids were smarter. But if I.Q. scores are any measure, and even their critics agree they measure something, people are getting smarter. Researchers who study intelligence say scores around the world have been increasing so fast that a high proportion of people regarded as normal at the turn of the century would be considered way below average by today’s tests.
Psychologists offer a variety of possible explanations for the increase, including better nutrition, urbanization, more experience with test taking, and smaller families. Some even say that television and video games have made children’s brains more agile. But no explanation is without its critics, and no one can say with certainty what effects, if any, the change is having on how people lead their daily lives. It is all the more mysterious becau A. should be respected and promoted from time to time B. has various forms and measurements C. will help game players improve their skills D. is strongly influenced by the achievements like DNA [单项选择]编写电子邮件时,不可以在邮件插入()。
A. 图片 B. 横线 C. 附件 D. 表格 [名词解释]随动调控
[单选题]扑救高危场所火灾时,车辆应当停在便于展开、便于转移的安全位置,车头应朝( )方向。
A.退出 B.进攻 C.撤离 D.上风 [单选题]从电缆沟道引至电杆或者外敷设的电缆距地面(2.0m)高及埋入地下0.1mm的一 段需加穿管保护。
A.1.5m; B.2.0m; C.2.5m; D.3.0m [判断题]机油粘性越小,流动性越好 ,润滑性越好。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述互补实验怎样区别突变是发生在lac操纵子的结构基因上还是它的调控序列上
A. BIM核心建模软件 B. BIM可持续(绿色)分析软件 C. BIM深化设计软件 D. BIM结构分析软件 [单项选择]输血发热反应的主要治疗是
A. 减慢输血速度 B. 给予皮质类固醇药物 C. 给予苯海拉明25mg口服 D. 碱化尿液 E. 给广谱抗生素 [单选题]开放式基金的赎回费在扣除手续费后,余额不得低于赎回费总额的( ),并应当归入基金财产。
A.10% B.25% C.30% D.50% 我来回答: 提交