Britain was a wealthy (富裕的) country. A
hundred and fifty years{{U}} (36) {{/U}}, there were a{{U}} (37)
{{/U}}very rich people{{U}} (38) {{/U}}received money from land or
investments, and did not need to work. They used to have large{{U}} (39)
{{/U}}of servants to look{{U}} (40) {{/U}}them. There were al so
many middle class people, who worked as businessmen or as doc tots or lawyers.
They usually had several servants to{{U}} (41) {{/U}}their houses and
cook their meals. But there were also many poor people, and there was a big{{U}} (42) {{/U}}between the rich and the poor. The poor had very difficult lives. Many worked as servants. They used to be{{U}} (43) {{/U}}little, and they had to work long hours. But at least they lived in a warm house and were well{{U}} (44) { A. waste B. lend C. cost D. spend [单项选择]寿胎丸的药物组成是()
A. 菟丝子、续断、桑寄生、阿胶 B. 菟丝子、杜仲、桑寄生、阿胶 C. 菟丝子、续断、杜仲、阿胶 D. 菟丝子、续断、桑寄生、首乌 E. 菟丝子、杜仲、桑寄生、首乌 [单选题]柴油机油压保护机构用途:当柴油机转速达到( )时,右纵拉杆上的上盖斜面压住行程开关的触头,油压继电器参与工作。
A.400r/min B.720r/min C.1000r/min [单选题]蒸汽吞吐后的解堵机理在于将近井眼地带的堵塞物排出,改善了油井( )条件。
A.过滤 B.渗流 C.出水 D.出油 [判断题]( )热忱就是对每件工作都全力以赴,并且乐在其中。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]根据《两高司法解释》(法释[2015]22号),发生安全事故造成死亡三人以上,或者重伤十人以上的,对负事故主要责任的人员,处( )有期徒刑。
A.目镜距离 B.反射镜焦距 C.物镜焦距 D.棱镜距离 [多选题]下列作品、作家、国别(或朝代)对应正确的是()。
A.《茶花女》--大仲马--法国 B.《儒林外史》--吴敬梓--清代 C.《堂吉诃德》--塞万提斯--葡萄牙 D.《桃花扇》--孔尚任--清代 [单选题]进入作业现场应正确佩戴安全帽(),现场作业人员还应穿全棉长袖工作服、绝缘鞋。
A.A.实验室计量工作除外 B.B.保护室计量工作除外 C.C.充换电站计量工作除外 D.D.客户侧计量工作除外 [单项选择]Which command will reinitialize the router and totally replace the running configuration with the current startup configuration?()
A. TestKingB#reload B. TestKingB# copy tftp startup-config C. TestKingB# copy startup.-config running-config D. TestKingB# copy running-config flash E. TestKingB# setup [多选题]建设单位应当将施工图送审查机构审查。建设单位可以自主选择审查机构,但审查机构不得与所审查项目的( )有隶属关系或者其他利害关系。
A.设计单位 B.承包单位 C.建筑材料供应单位 D.勘察单位 E.建设单位 [单项选择]肝破裂大出血的主要处理是
A. 用止血剂 B. 输血 C. 补液 D. 急诊手术 E. 吸氧 [单选题] 以下哪项关键技术不能降低5G空口时延?()
A.时隙聚合调度 B.全双工 C.CRSFREE D.免授权调度 [单选题]下列不是蛛网膜下腔麻醉的并发症的是
A.血压下降 B.心动缓慢 C..呼吸抑制 D.头痛 E.全脊髓麻醉 [单项选择]王某向甲保险公司投保普通家庭财产保险,保险金额为5万元,其中房屋及其室内装潢的保险金额为3万元,向乙保险公司投保了家庭财产两全保险,保险金额为5万元,其中房屋及其室内装潢的保险金额为3万元,在保险期间内发生保险事故,造成房屋及其室内装潢部分损失2万元,室内财产2万元。其中出险时房屋及其室内装潢的价值为12万元,那么,甲保险公司应当赔偿的金额()。
A. 15000元 B. 20000元 C. 30000元 D. 40000元 [单选题]布袋除尘为( ) 。
A.粗除尘 B.精除尘 C.湿法除尘 D.以上都不对 [单选题]体现“分经论治”药物配伍特点的方剂是( )
A.大青龙汤 B.止嗽散 C.九味羌活汤 D.桂枝汤 E.败毒散 [填空题]试风作业人员接到邻线来车通知后,避车地点应距邻线钢轨头部外侧不少于( )m处,且禁止到邻线来车侧及两线间避车。
[单选题]当耐张长度在800m及以下时,一个耐张段内架空地线补强线段的总数量标限界为( )
A.0个 B.1个 C.2个 D.4个 [单选题]尾气排放物主要包含CO、HC、( )。
A.CO2 B.H2O C.NOX D.CO2、H2O、NOX [填空题]Contrast to researchers’ expectations, dysfunctional family relationships and poor communica- (1)_____
tion styles appear to have much effect on whether young children become depressed, a study has (2)_____ found. While many children under 5 exhibit symptoms of depression, they often have not been exposed against known risk factors, experts find. And many children who are exposed to those risk (3)_____ factors appear to be resilient. In the study, Australian researchers looked at many factors, including marital partner change, mothers’ health in pregnancy, a child’s health in the first six months of life (4)_____ and marital anxiety in more than 5,000 mothers over a period of five years. But few of them corre- lated to early childhood depression. The authors warned that their results, published in the June (5)_____ issue of Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, depended on reports by mothers about their children’s experi [单项选择]________ dans notre université est un endroit idéal pour se promener.
A. la forêt B. le bois C. la boite D. la notion [单选题]蜡质土盆,淀粉含量低,皮薄,水分多,最适合于( )的烹调方法。
A.煽 B.炸 C.烤 D.煮 [单选题]比较两药疗效时,下列可作单侧检验的是
A. 己知 A 药与 B 药均有效 B. 不知 A 药好还是 B 药好 C. 己知 A 药与 B 药差不多好 D. 己知 A 药不会优于 B 药 E. 不知 A 药与 B 药是否有效 [判断题]跨分行客户调出的发起人必须为目标客户的地区主管客户经理,仅调整客户的全国主管归属关系;完成调整需发起网点主管、全国主管分行主管、全国主管网点主管共三级审批。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单选题:根据《地铁安全保护区管理规定》,站务1 /2中心运营时间每( )小时一次,对所辖范围内保护区进行巡查。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题] 从左手到( )是最危险的电流路径。
A.右手 B.前胸 C.大脑 D.左脚 我来回答: 提交