Thomas Jefferson, who died in 1826,
looms ever larger as a figure of special significance. Americans, of course, are
familiar with Jefferson as an early statesman, author of the Declaration of
Independence, and a high-ranking presidential Founding Father. But there is
another Jefferson less well known. This is the Jefferson who, as the outstanding
American philosopher of democracy, has an increasing appeal to the world’s newly
emerging peoples. There is no other man in history who formulated the ideas of democracy with such fullness, persuasiveness, and logic. Those interested in democracy as a poetical philosophy and system -- even those who do not accept his postulates or are critical of his solutions -- must reckon with his thought. What, then, is his thought, and how much of it is still A. explain Jefferson’s ideas of democracy B. exalt Jefferson as an outstanding philosopher C. illustrate Jefferson’s influence on modem politics D. view Jeffersonian democracy under modem conditions [多选题]下列关于收益法求取净收益的说法,正确的有( )。
A.住宅净收益通常基于租赁收入测算 B.有效毛收入=潜在毛收入-空置和收租损失+其他收入 C.运营费用不包含房地产折旧额及其设备的折旧费 D.重置提拨款不属于运营费用 E.空置和收租损失通常按照潜在毛租金收入的一定比例估算 [单项选择]在玉米()使用喷施宝,能促进茎杆粗壮,增强光合作用,使子实饱满。
A. 苗期和大喇叭口期 B. 抽穗期和灌浆期 C. 苗期和拔节期 D. 拔节期和大喇叭口期 [判断题]高压开关柜内手车开关拉出后,隔离带电部位的挡板封闭后禁止开启,并设置“禁止操作 有人工作 ”的标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]颅脑手术过程中发生空气栓塞的早期诊断有赖于()。
A. 血压升高 B. 血压下降 C. 心率增快 D. PCO(终末潮气CO分压)下降 E. 心前区杂音 [多选题]输变电工程风险库中电缆线路工程包括()。
A.电缆敷设施工 B.电缆附件安装施工 C.电缆试验 D.电缆停、送电施工 E.略 F.略 [判断题]JWXC-1700型继电器的额定值不小于16.8V。
A. 发汗解表 B. 行气宽中 C. 行气安胎 D. 解鱼蟹毒 E. 平喘利水 [单选题]取消电话闭塞条件:闭塞已办理且()。
A.列车尚未动车 B.列车出清 C.列车未出清 D.列车已动车 [简答题]简述体育院校附属竞技体校的科学化管理。
A.人员佩戴耳塞 B.在噪声源上安装消声器 C.在室内安装吸声材料 D.设置隔声间,把人和噪声源隔开 [多选题]济南地铁3号线列车编组为()。
A.A、C型车 B.B、6辆编组 C.C、B型车 D.D、4辆编组 [名词解释]无形经济负担
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