During the 9th century scientists
found that when certain parts of the brain of a man were{{U}} (36)
{{/U}} , he would lose the{{U}} (37) {{/U}} to do certain things.
And so, people thought that each part of the brain does a different{{U}}
(38) {{/U}} . But modern research has{{U}} (39) {{/U}} out that
this is not so, for it is not{{U}} (40) {{/U}} to say{{U}} (41)
{{/U}} what each part of the brain does. In the past fifty years there{{U}} (42) {{/U}} a great increase in the amount of research{{U}} (43) {{/U}} on the brain. Chemists and biologists have{{U}} (44) {{/U}} that the{{U}} (45) {{/U}} the brain works it is not so{{U}} (46) {{/U}} as people in general may think. Chemists tell us that 100,000 chemical changes{{U}} (47) {{/U}} in the brain every se A. suggest B. know C. guess D. mean [多项选择]关于国际货物买卖合同卖方担保义务的下列表述中,正确的有( )。
A. 卖方担保义务包括货物的品质担保和货物的权利担保 B. 如果货物有隐蔽的潜在的缺陷,而这些缺陷在风险转移至买方之后一段时间才显露出来,则尽管货物风险已经转移,卖方仍然要承担责任 C. 货物的权利担保义务是卖方的一项法定义务,即使买卖双方在合同中无此项规定,卖方仍须遵守 D. 卖方对货物知识产权的担保和对一般有形货物一样都是无条件的 [单选题]按结构类型分类,不属于的是()。
A.砖木结构、混合结构 B.复合结构 C.钢筋混凝土结构 D.钢结构 [不定项选择题]A.内分泌失调
A.舔唇不良习惯 B.机体抵抗力下降 C.残根残冠刺激 D.消化不良 E.慢性唇炎病因是 [单项选择]房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程施工招标的合同订立( )日之内,中标人应将合同送县级以上工程所在地的建设行政主管部门备案。
A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 D. 15 [单项选择]Alzheimer病的组织病理中不存在的结构是()。
A. 老年斑 B. 胆碱能神经元脱失 C. 神经元纤维缠结 D. 路易小体 E. 血管淀粉样变 [多项选择]索赔成立的条件包括( )。
A. 与合同相比,事件已造成承包人成本的额外支出或工期损失 B. 造成费用增加或工期损失的原因,不属于承包人的行为责任或风险责任 C. 承包人按合同规定的程序索赔 D. 工程师同意 E. 业主同意 我来回答: 提交