Mx Black was young and able. He worked
very hard. And the boss liked him. Last month he was sent to China on business.
When he got to Beijing, he visited some places of interest and felt very
happy. One morning before he left for London, he decided to buy something for Tony, the son of his boss. At first he didn’t know what to buy for the boy. Suddenly he remembered that the boy liked birds very much, so he went to the bird market. He was glad to find that there were so many kinds of birds there. He bought four beautiful birds, then he told the boy about it on the telephone. As soon as Mr Black returned to London by air, he went to Tony with the four birds. But on his way to the boss’s home, one of them, flew out of the cage(笼子) and there were only three birds left in it, The [判断题]如果购买者的数量较少,购买的规模也不大,比较适用人员推销。
[多选题]根据《汽车贷款管理办法》的规定,可以申请汽车贷款的是( )。
A.在中国境内有固定住所的中国公民 B.国内机构借款人 C.在中国境内累计居住2年的外国人 D.在中国境内累计居住6个月的港、澳、台居民 E.国内汽车经销商 [单选题]有()情形之一,未构成一般C类以上事故的,为一般D15类事故。
A.列车拉铁鞋开车 B.错误操纵、使用行车设备耽误列车 C.漏发、错发、漏传、错传调度命令耽误列车 D.作业人员违反劳动纪律、作业纪律耽误列车 [单选题]消弧绳一般选用具有阻燃性、防潮性的(____)制作。
A.桑蚕绳索; B.棉绳; C.麻绳; D.钢丝绳 [单选题]摘除蜂窝主要存在()等风险,易造成指战员伤亡。 ( )
A.蜇伤中毒、登高坠落 B.坍塌埋压、坠落砸伤 C.中毒窒息、坠落淹溺 D.高空坠落、落物砸伤 [单选题]车站现地级ATS车次框绿色表示列车晚点时间:60S
B.蓝色 C.黄色 D.红色 [单项选择]以下关于排烟热损失q2的分析错误的是( )。
A. 锅炉本体气密性越好,q2越大 B. 排烟温度越高,q2越大 C. 炉膛出口过量空气系数大会使q2增加 D. 燃料水分高,排烟容积大,导致q2增加 [单选题]专属经济区的宽度为从领海基线量起不超过( ) 。
A.188海里 B.200海里 C.250海里 D.300海里 [判断题]在电路中只要没有电流通过,就一定没有电压。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]由于站、车工作人员失误,造成旅客车票丢失时,站、车均应填发代用票,在记事栏内注明“因××原因丢失”,款额剪断线按原票票价剪下并随丙联上报。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]风源部分主要由空气压缩机、安全阀、油水分离器、调压器、总风缸等组成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]莫扎特《G大调弦乐小夜曲》共分()个乐章。
A. 四 B. 六 C. 五 D. 三 [单项选择]达成目标的终极关键是什么()?
A. 我能帮谁 B. 谁不能帮我 C. 我不能帮谁 D. “谁能帮我” [单项选择]根据《劳动合同法》,用人单位自用工之日起超过1个月不满1年未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,应当向劳动者每月支付()
A. 一倍工资 B. 2倍工资 C. 3倍工资 D. 4倍工资 [单项选择]在罚点球的过程中,双方球队均有一名队员提前进入罚球区。裁判员应如何处理?()
A. 如果球进,判定进球有效 B. 裁判员警告双方队员,重罚点球 C. 重罚点球 D. 如果球未进,裁判员暂停比赛,随后以间接任意球恢复比赛 [不定项选择题]妊娠合并心脏病气虚血瘀证选用的治法是
A.益气养血,宁心安胎 B.温阳化气,行水安胎 C.益气化瘀,通阳安胎 D.清热利湿,佐以安胎 E.健脾化湿,养血安胎 [单选题]下列因素与资金周转周期延长所引起的贷款需求无关的是()
A.存货周转天数 B.应付账款周转天数 C.现金周转天数 D.应收账款周转天数 [多选题]《关于普速旅客列车推行共享充电宝服务的通知》 客管函〔2019〕134号规定,班组在日常作业中如发现充电宝出现( )等现象时,应及时对充电柜进行断电操作,并上报客运段,由客运段通知服务供应商进行处理。
A.陈旧 B.鼓包 C.充不进电 D.过热 [多项选择]计算风险加权资产时,对于信用风险资产,商业银行可以采取( )。
A. 标准法 B. 内部模型法 C. 高级计量法 D. 内部评级初级法 E. 内部评级高级法 [判断题]若需变更或增设安全措施,应征得站长同意。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工机具和安全工器具应()。
A.统一编号、统一保管 B.统一编号、个人保管 C.统一编号、专人保管 D.统一编号、分别保管 [单选题]消防水泵房.水泵吸水管.出水管上的控制阀应锁定在( )位置,并有明显标记。
A.常开 B.常闭 C.半开 D.封闭 [单选题]音响信号,长声为()s,短声为()s,间隔为()s。重复鸣示时,须间隔()s以上。( )
A.2、0.5、1、5 B.3、1、1、5 C.2、0.5、1、3 D.3、1、1、3 [填空题]()不作为药历内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Malnutrition "Much of the sickness and death attributed to the major communicable diseases is in fact caused by malnutrition which makes the body less able to withstand infections when they strike" , said Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). in his statement on the first day of the World Food Summit organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome, Italy, from 13 to 17 November, 1996. "At the same time, " he added, "in developing countries today, malnutrition is the cause of 174 million children under five years of age being underweight, and 230 million being stunted in their growth. Such figures represent deprivation, suffering and wasted human potential on a scale that is unacceptable from every point of view. Whether we think in terms of humanitarian concern, common justice or development needs, they demand a response, both from national governments and from A. Eating iron-rich foods. B. Avoiding drinking tea with meals. C. Drinking coffee soon after meals. D. Eating foods of animal origin. [单选题]宁波地铁1号线用的是( )型号的继电器测试台。
A.陕西齐力SQXJ-III B.艾诺-AN8072 C.武汉华能阳光 D.大庆长鸣TXJD-B [多选题]消防水枪按工作压力可以分为 等。
A.超低压水枪 B.低压水枪 C.中压水枪 D.高压水枪 [单选题]使用滑轮的直径,通常不得小于钢丝绳直径的( )倍。
A.16 B.12 C.8 D.4 我来回答: 提交