Today cognitive theorists empirically
study the impact of feelings on cognitive processes such as memory and judgment
and also the reciprocal influence of cognition on emotion. However, evolutionary
theorists view emotion as a powerful source of motivation-an internal
communication that something must be done. For example, when people are
threatened, they feel fear, which in turn leads them to deal with the
threatening situation through either fight or flight. Emotions and drives may
also operate in tandem to motivate action, as when excitement accompanies sexual
arousal. From an evolutionary perspective, different emotions serve different
functions. Fear facilitates flight in the face of danger; disgust prevents
ingestion of potentially toxic substances such as rotting meat. An emotion that is less well understood is jealousy A. concern over their husbands’ reproductive ability B. fear that their husbands’ resources would be threatened C. their husbands’ divided attention to them and their offspring D. their emotional instability resulting from their husbands’ infidelity [单选题] 人体触电时的最危险途径是电流通过()。
A.左手至右脚 B.左手至右手 C.泌尿系统 D.脚至脚 [单选题]下列选项中不属于银监会的监管职责的是( )。
A.对银行业自律组织的活动进行指导和监督 B.对擅自设立银行业金融机构或非法从事银行业金融机构业务活动予以取缔 C.负责统一编制金融业的统计数据、报表,并按照国家有关规定予以公布 D.对银行业金融机构的董事和高级管理人员实行任职资格管理 [多选题]引起脑膜炎的病原体有()
A.钩端螺旋体 B.脑膜炎双球菌 C.新型隐球菌 D.白喉杆菌 E.结核杆菌 [单选题]电子商务常用的系统规划方法不包 ( ) 。
A.关键成功因素法 B.面向对象分析方法 C.战略目标集转化法 D.企业系统规划法 [单选题]M公司从N公司租入数控机床一台。合同约定租期是5年,M公司租期内每年年末支付给N公司租金10万元,假定年利率为10%,则M公司支付的租金总额现值合计是( )万元。
A.24.87 B.35.38 C.37.91 D.40.68 [单项选择]关于借款需求的说法中,下列正确的是( )。
A. 借款需求是指公司出现了资金短缺 B. 借款需求的原因是公司破产 C. 借款需求指借款的用途 D. 借款需求指的是公司为什么会出现资金短缺并需要借款 [简答题]简述客户服务人员与客户互动的能力。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]TB/T2658.21-2007标准规定, K2.5探头折射角不大于___°。
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