How to Start a Small Business in the
US People from other countries often take America as the "land of opportunity". Americans, too, believe that the country gives no end of chances to those who want to open their own businesses. Today, many Americans are still trying hard to become small business people, although only one out of two remains in operation after the first two years. Many people start their small businesses for the wrong reasons. They want to get away from the paper work of their present jobs, or to exchange the responsibility of their present jobs for free life styles. But more, not less, paper work and responsibility come with ownership of a small business. Thomas is the owner of the news magazine Mother Earth, which is A. All of them close down in the first two years. B. Most of them fail within the first two years. C. They all make big profits. D. Only half of them continue to operate after the first two years. [单项选择]在国内证券发行市场上,下属于证券发行主体的是()。
A. 政府 B. 企业 C. 金融机构 D. 居民 [简答题] “三不动”的内容是什么?
[单选题]CRH380B型动车组踏面擦伤限度D>840mm时,擦伤长度≤_( )mm,深度≤0.25mm;D≤mm时,擦伤长度≤___mm,深度≤0.25mm。
A.30;30 B.25;30 C.25;25 D.30;25 [单项选择]关于神经元亚细胞结构的描述,错误的是()
A. 胞体结构包括:胞膜、胞核和核周质 B. 胞突中代谢和功能活动所需要的蛋白质几乎都是胞体内合成,运送至胞突 C. 神经元的原发转运系统主要是Na-H泵,需要ATP参与 D. 轴突在形态上是一个缺乏游离核蛋白和粗面内质网的三角形或扇形 E. 轴突外被髓鞘,末梢分为纤维终末并失去髓鞘 [单选题]在基本分析法中对宏观经济的分析,主要探讨各经济指标和经济政策对股票价格的影响,这些经济指标分为( )。
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④ [单选题]休息日和节假日的前1日可以推迟就寝,时间通常不超过( )
A.半小时 B.1小时 C.2小时 D.15小时 [判断题]钢轨折损严重或断缝大于50 mm,以及紧急处理后,不能立即焊接修复时,应封锁线路,切除伤损部分,两锯口间插入长度不短于6 m的同型钢轨,轨端钻孔,上接头夹板,用8.8级螺栓拧紧。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪种情形应当认定为工伤( )。
A. 患职业病的 B.患癌症的 C. 患糖尿病的 D. 患高血压的 [多选题]客户可选运输服务方式包括( )等。
A.站到站 B.门到门 C.门到站 D.站到门 [单选题]锚索支护设计前必须做可锚固性试验,确保锚固力满足()需求。
A.设计强度 B.支护强度 C.拉拔强度 我来回答: 提交