For Emily Dickinson there were three
worlds, and she lived in all of them, making them the substance of everything
that she thought and wrote. There was the world of nature, the things and the
creatures that she saw, heard, felt about her, there was the "estate" that
was the world of friendship. And there was the world of the unseen and unheard.
From her youth she was looked upon as different. She was direct, impulsive,
original, and the droll wit who said unconventional things which others thought
but dared not speak, and said them incomparably well. The characteristics which
made her inscrutable to those who knew her continue to bewilder and surprise,
for she lived by paradoxes. Certainly the greatest paradox was the fact that the three most pervasive friendships were the most elusive. She saw the Reverend Charles Wadsworth of Philadelphia but three or A. as much recognition as Emily Dickinson received B. her work to be criticized by Emily Dickinson C. Emily Dickinson to write better poetry D. Emily Dickinson’s poetry to be published [简答题]对以不正当手段取得业余无线电台执照的,无线电管理机构可以给予下列处罚:
A. 资产 B. 负债 C. 成本 D. 所有者权益 [单项选择]中央型肺癌的直接X线征象有()
A. 肺门块影 B. 肺不张 C. 阻塞性肺炎 D. 支气管狭窄或阻塞 E. 局限性肺气肿 [单项选择]《国际危规》中把海运危险货物分为多少类?()
A. 六 B. 七 C. 八 D. 九 [单选题]坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,总任务是实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴,在全面建成小康社会的基础上,分( )在本世纪中叶建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国。
A.两步走 B.三步走 C.四步走 D.五步走 [判断题]二次回路现场检测宜使用配电第二种工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]GFML不含任何形式的麸质。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 根据《建设工程质量管理条例》,建设竣工验收应具备的工程技术档案和施工管理资料包括( )。
A.分项、分部工程和单位工程技术人员名单 B.规划、招投标、公安消防、环保部门的完整备案文件 C.竣工图 D.工程项目竣工验收报告 E.图纸会审和技术交底记录 [判断题]曲轴轴颈的堆焊修复能使圆角处的内部组织改变。因此,曲轴经堆焊、磨削后,最好再对圆角进行滚压强化。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]钩体病的治疗措施为()
A. 卧床休息输入足够的热量及液体 B. 首选青霉素,剂量宜大 C. 注射维生素K D. 保肝护肾 E. 肺出血型应用激素治疗 [单项选择]The technician took one day to complete the task which I planned to fulfil within a week.
A. 这位技术员花一天时间完成任务,而我却要用一周来完成。 B. 这位技术员花一周时间完成任务,而我只要一天的时间。 C. 这位技术员花一天时间完成任务,代替我一周的时间。 D. 这位技术员花一天时间完成了我原计划用一周完成的任务。 [判断题]手钢锯锯条安装好后,可用手扳动锯条,检查锯条松紧度,手感觉硬实即为适当。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某供电公司一些设备已经投入生产,现需要按照图纸将这些设备画如PMS2.5系统图形客户端,某班员张某接
到通知后编辑设备变更申请开始画图。12月5日23点48分,某供电公司调度控制中心发现八经甲线30号台柱上 开关上传开关变位信息,调度员与辖区运行单位了解并与计划操作核对,初步判断是抖动问题,立即通知配 电自动化班处理。该班员想要快速找到自己维护电站位置的操作是(____)。 A.打开任务搜索 B.打开地理图搜索 C.快速定位 D.图形定制编制 我来回答: 提交