The Securities Exchange Act of 1936 established the Securities and Exchange {{U}} (61) {{/U}} (SEC) and gave it authority {{U}} (62) {{/U}} the securities markets. All brokers and dealers doing business in the organized markets must register {{U}} (63) {{/U}} the SEC. A broker assists the trading process by buying or selling securities in the market for a (n) {{U}} (64) {{/U}} . A dealer satisfies investors’ trades by buying and selling securities from his own inventory. In addition, attempts to {{U}} (65) {{/U}} securities prices were declared illegal. |
Geography is the study of the
relationship between people and the land. Geographers(地理学家) compare and
contrast{{U}} (51) {{/U}}places on the earth. But they also{{U}}
(52) {{/U}}beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a{{U}}
(53) {{/U}}. The word geography comes from two Greek words, ge , the
Greek word for "earth" and graphein,{{U}} (54) {{/U}} "to write". The
English word geography means "to describe the earth".{{U}} (55)
{{/U}}geography books focus on a small area like a town or city.
Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an{{U}} (56)
{{/U}}continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another{{U}}
(57) {{/U}}to divide the study of{{U}} (58) {{/U}}is
to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The
forme A. what B. that C. which D. it [单选题]东汉时期,曾以男儿当“死于边野”“马革裹尸”自誓而受后人崇敬的“伏波将军”是【】。
A.马萧 B.邓禹 C.马超 D.马援 [单项选择]如果交换机掉电,OptiX设备的相应支路板会产生()告警。
A. RLOF B. RLOS C. T-ALOS D. TU-AIS [判断题]单渣法是开吹时一次将造渣剂加入炉内的方法。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]06GG001509 使用钳形电流表时,被测的导线()。
A.为绝缘、裸体导线均可 B.必须是裸体导线 C.必须是绝缘体导线 D.不能为绝缘体导线 [单选题]工程车驾驶只能由( )负责,车载作业用设备及工作平台由指定专人进行操作。
A.作业负责人 B.工作车司机 C.生产厂家 D.指定任意人员 [多选题]井下采掘作业必须探水前进的情况有()。
A.接近含水的断层时 B.接近积水的旧巷或采空区时 C.砌筑防水闸门后 D.工程暂停一个月以上时 E.发现有出水征兆时 [多项选择]
A. 严格的房地产经纪人执业牌照管理制度 B. 建立了较为完善的行为准则和伦理道德规范 C. 制定了有利于房地产经纪人增加收入的取费办法 D. 法律规定了房地产交易中的信息披露制度 [单项选择]以穴位命名的外科疾病是
A. 疫疔 B. 烂疔 C. 蛇头疔 D. 人中疔 E. 岩 [多项选择]以下()单据可以关联其他单据生成。
A. 外购入库单 B. 采购发票 C. 退料通知单 D. 采购申请单 [判断题]污水池 (井) 、 沼气池、化粪池、下水道主要危险有害因素为缺氧。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在双线自动闭塞区间,按站间组织行车时,接车站必须向()报到达点。
A.发车站车站值班员 B.列车调度员 C.发车站车站值班员和列车调度员 D.前方站 [单选题]下列选项不符合山区及林(牧)区施工规定的是()。
A.防火期施工指定专人携带火种上山作业 B.山区及林(牧)区施工应严格遵守环境保护相关工作 C.山区及林(牧)区施工做好防毒蛇、野兽、毒蜂等生物的侵害措施 D.山区及林(牧)区施工应防止误踩深沟、陷阱 [单选题]男性,50岁。咳嗽、咯血丝痰3周,水样腹泻、喘鸣、皮肤潮红、阵发性心悸1周,有吸烟史。下列哪项检查对诊断意义最大:(0.1)
A. 痰涂片找抗酸杆菌 B. X线胸片 C. 大便细菌培养 D. 支气管激发试验 E. 24h动态心电图 我来回答: 提交