There is something for everyone in the Sunday paper.
Many people go to church on Sunday, but others don’t. Many sleep late on Sunday morning, but others don’t. Some people work on Sunday, but most don’t. however, almost everyone reads the Sunday paper. Often the paper is waiting outside the door when the family gets up. The newspaper boy has delivered it. The Sunday paper is usually very thick. It has many advertisements and many different sections. The adults in the family like the front page, the editorial page. And the world news section. Many men also read the sports pages and the financial pages.
Most men don’t read the women’s pages, but the mother of the family usually does. The women’s pages have news about parties and advice about food, health, and the clothes.
Most Sunday papers have comics, which children enjoy. Older people read the death notices, which tell about people who have died during the week.
When a disease of epidemic proportions
rips into the populace, scientists immediately get to work, trying to locate the
source of the affliction and find ways to combat it. Oftentimes, success is
achieved, as medical science is able to isolate the parasite, germ or cell that
causes the problem and finds ways to effectively kill or contain it. In the most
serious of cases, in which the entire population of a region or country may be
at grave risk, it is deemed necessary to protect the entire population through
vaccination, so as to safeguard lives and ensure that the disease will not
spread. The process of vaccination allows the patient’s body to develop immunity to the virus or disease so that, if it is encountered, one can ward it off naturally. To accomplish this, a small weak or dead strain of the disease is actually injec A. disposing of it naturally. B. fighting it off with ease. C. seeing to it reluctantly. D. splitting it up properly. [判断题]县级以上地方各级人民政府应当组织有关部门制定本行政区域内特大生产安全事故应急救援预案,建立应急救援体系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]________ pollution control measures are expensive, many local governments hesitate to adopt them.
A. Although B. However C. Because D. Moreover [多项选择]错牙合畸形矫治的标准是 ()
A. 错牙合畸形矫治标准应该是个别正常牙合,而不是理想正常牙合 B. 需达到理想正常牙合 C. 必须保持全副牙齿 D. 上下牙的尖窝关系完全正确 E. 对于生理过程无大妨碍者,都可列入正常牙合范畴 [多项选择]按编制单位和适用范围,建设工程定额可以具体分为( )。
A. 行业定额 B. 全国统一定额 C. 企业定额 D. 地区定额 E. 部门定额 [简答题]改变凝汽器冷却水量的方法有哪几种?
A.招标采购过程管理风险 B.合同风险 C.决策风险 D.经济风险 E.政策风险 [名词解释]均衡价格
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]本小题1分Oracle数据库datablockoverhead包括(____)。
A.blockheader B.tabledirectory C.rowdirectory D.datadirectory [单项选择]A公司采用交易发生日即期汇率对外币业务进行折算,并按月计算汇兑损益。1月10日,A公司从银行借入短期外币借款100万美元,以补充流动资金,当日市场汇率为1美元=7.2元人民币。1月31日,市场汇率为1美元=7.25元人民币。2月15日,A公司以人民币偿还该笔短期借款,当日银行的美元卖出价为1美元=7.14元人民币,市场汇率为1美元=7.12元人民币。不考虑其他因素,则该项借款业务对A公司第1季度损益的影响金额为( )万元人民币。
A. 8 B. 6 C. 5 D. 11 [判断题]泄漏分为内漏和外漏两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]若工作需要(如测量极性、回路导通试验、光纤回路检查等),可以准许工作班中的一个人或几人同时在他室进行工作,但工作负责人应在事前将有关安全注意事项予以详尽的告知。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]乙公司在与甲公司交易中获金额为300万元的汇票一张,付款人为丙公司。乙公司请求承兑时,丙公司在汇票上签注:“承兑。甲公司款到后支付。”下列关于丙公司付款责任的表述哪个是正确的?()
A. 丙公司已经承兑,应承担付款责任 B. 应视为丙公司拒绝承兑,丙公司不承担付款责任 C. 甲公司给丙公司付款后,丙公司才承担付款责任 D. 按甲公司给丙公司付款的多少确定丙公司应承担的付款责任 [多选题] 宫颈癌三阶梯诊断是 ( )
A.妇科双合诊 B.宫颈刮片细胞学检查 C.阴道镜检查 D.诊刮术 E.宫颈活组织检查 [单选题]基本薪酬和福利所占比重较大的薪酬结构适用的企业发展战略类型是( )。
A.成长战略 B.收缩战略 C.稳定战略 D.精简战略 [单选题]潮差比是_______之比。
A.附港平均潮差与主港平均潮差 B.主港潮差与附港潮差 C.主港平均潮差与附港平均潮差 D.附港最大潮差与主港最大潮差 [单选题]电路中任意两点间的电位差叫( )。
A.电压 B.电流 C.电阻 D.电动势 [单项选择]关于重度新生儿寒冷损伤的治疗,以下哪项不正确
A. 液体量按lml/kcal给予 B. 使患儿体温36~48小时恢复正常 C. 热量供给以每日209.2kJ(50kcal)/kg开始 D. 根据并发感染性质选用抗生素 E. 有出血倾向者可静脉滴入维生素K [单选题]滚筒采煤机上必须装有能停止工作面刮板输送机运行的()。
A.信号装置 B.闭锁装置 C.开关 D.把手 [单选题]高等学校战略管理的首要问题是()。
A.办学定位; B.战略制定; C.大学使命; D.大学精神 [单项选择]消防电梯井、机房与相邻其它电梯井、机房之间,应采用耐火极限不低于()的隔墙隔开,当在隔墙上开门时,应设甲级防火门。
A. 2.00h B. 1.00h C. 1.50h D. 2.50h 我来回答: 提交