Well, sir, opening a bank account is not very difficult. The trouble is finding the cash to put in it. We at Barclays know there’s a students’ problem—shortage of cash. The monthly cheque from home never seems big enough. We can’t make it any bigger but we can make it go a little further. Any student who opens a cheque account with Barclays gets our most important services free. We don’t charge you for running your account provided you keep out of the red.
You’ll find you will be able to budget far better when you have a current account. And you will be able to make payments by cheque or standing order. For example, you can ask us to pay your rent direct to your landlady. All you need to do is to make out a standing order, and that means we make sure your rent is paid on time, without you having to worry about it. You will receive regular statements to let you know just how you stand. If you have any money problems such as sending money
A. he does not pay out more than he has in the bank
B. he sees the bank manager about money matters
C. he make his money go further
D. he opens the account before term starts
The study of philosophies should make our own ideas
flexible. We are all of us apt to take certain general ideas for granted, and
call them common sense. We should learn that other people have held quite
different ideas, and that our own have started as very original guesses of
philosophers. A scientist is apt to think that all the problems of philosophy will ultimately be solved by science. I think this is true for a great many of the questions on which philosophers still argue. For example, Plato thought that when we saw something, one ray of light came to it from the sun, and another from our eyes and that seeing was something like feeling with a stick. We now know that the light comes from the sun, and is reflected into our eyes. We don’t know in much detail how the changes in our eyes give rise to sensation. But there is ev A. The study of philosophies would make our own idea flexible. B. The study of philosophies would help prepare us for the future and guide our actions. C. The study of philosophies would enable us to understand how things develop as to better tackle the future. D. All of the above. [单选题]高处作业人员必须使用提前设置的()。高处作业所用的工具和材料放在工具袋内或用绳索拴在牢固的构件上,较大的工具系有保险绳。上下传递物件使用绳索,不得抛掷。
A.垂直攀登自锁器 B.绝缘手套 C.绝缘靴 D.个人保安线 E.略 F.略 [单选题]形成中枢神经系统有髓神经纤维髓鞘的细胞是( )
A.原浆性星形胶质细胞 B.纤维性星形胶质细胞 C.小胶质细胞 D.少突胶质细胞 E.施万细胞 [单项选择]对于认知健全者而言,造成心理损害最严重的个人自理缺陷为()
A. 大小便失禁 B. 言语困难 C. 进食困难 D. 转移困难 E. 修饰困难 [判断题]机车轮对的轮径差在小修时和中修时要求相同。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]禁止作业人员擅自变更工作票中指定的接地线位置,若需变更,应由( )征得全部工作票签发人或工作许可人同意,并在工作票上注明变更情况。
A.工作负责人 B.专责监护人 C.工作班成员 D.班组长 [多项选择]改变汽车罐车的使用条件是指()
A. 介质 B. 温度 C. 压力 D. 用途 [单选题]大多数炸药爆炸时能产生有毒或窒息性气体,这一特性是爆炸物品的( )。
A.爆炸性 B.敏感度 C.殉爆 D.毒害性 [判断题]某预激综合征患者,突发阵发性室上性心动过速.可首选西地兰或心得安静脉注射治疗。
A. 公司结构 B. 期限匹配 C. 流动性 D. 人员结构 E. 高管人员 [单选题]以下做法不正确的是:
A. 用摇表(兆欧表)测量灭火系统导线的绝缘 B.用三用表测量火警探测线路的电阻 C. 用三用表测量灭火瓶的压力电门状态是接通还是断开 D. 用三用表测量灭火瓶爆炸帽的电阻 [单项选择]对于TDS向TDL升级方案中,单个宏站硬件改造,RRU的更换需要大约()个工作日。
A. 0.5 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 [单项选择]氟哌啶醇的作用类似于:
A. 哌替啶 B. 吗啡 C. 氯丙嗪 D. 氯噻平 E. 利血平 [判断题]绝缘棒在闭合或拉开高压隔离开关和跌落式熔断器,装拆携带式接地线,以及进行辅助测量和试验使用。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]核算的前提条件有()
A. 配比原则 B. 会计主体 C. 持续经营 D. 货币计量 E. 会计分期 [填空题]生产者价格指数包括(PPI)包括()
[单项选择]违反治安管理行为最本质的特征是( )。
A. 情节轻微性 B. 违法性 C. 社会危害性 D. 应受处罚性 我来回答: 提交