W: Dr. Huber, when did you first become interested in physics and music
M: I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t interested in physics. When I was a child, I was very curious about the world around me. For example, I always wondered why light behaves the way it does. I found it more fun to play with a prism than to play with the kids in the neighborhood. I wasn’t very social, but I was really into figuring out how things worked. I got my own telescope when I was eight years old, and I loved to take it out at night and go star gazing. I would look at the planets and stars and wonder what was out there. When I was ten, my father bought me a book on the universe, and I just ate it up. In fact, I still have that book right here in my office.
It was the same with music. I’ve always had a natural ear for music, perfect pitch. Even as a young child, if I heard a song on the radio, I could go right to the piano and play it. When I heard a sound lik
We all have offensive breath at one
time of another. In most cases, offensive breath emanates from bacteria in the
mouth, although there are other more surprising causes. Until a few years ago, what the most doctors could do was to counsel patients with bad breath about oral cleanliness. Now they are finding new ways to treat the usually curable condition. Bad breath can happen whenever the normal flow of saliva slows. Our mouths are full of bacteria feeding on protein in bits of food and shed tissue. The bacteria emit evil-smelling gases, the worst of which is hydrogen sulfide. Mouth bacteria thrive in airless conditions. Oxygen-rich saliva keeps their numbers down. When we sleep, for example, the saliva stream slows, and sulfide-producing bacteria gain the upper hand, producing classic "morning breath". Alcohol, hunger, l A. its smell adds to bad breath B. it keeps offending bacteria from reproducing C. it kills some helpful bacteria D. it affects the normal flow of saliva [单项选择]从事保荐业务的机构和个人,必须经()核准。
A. 证券业协会 B. 中国证监会 C. 证券交易所 D. 证券登记结算中心 [单选题]货物列车运行中,自阀减压排风未止,不得缓解机车制动;自阀减压后至缓解、停车前,机车制动缸压力不得少于( )。P115T486
A.50kPa B.60kPa C.70kPa [单选题]就业,是指在法定年龄内的具有劳动能力的人,运用生产资料从事合法劳动,并获得相应的劳动报酬的经济活动。根据以上的定义,下列行为中属于该概念的范畴的是( )。
A.盲人杨某在某按摩馆担任高级按摩师 B.来自农村的大学生王某刻苦学习,每个月享受国家 200 元的生活困难补贴 C.村民李某为缅甸贩毒集团开车,月薪 3 万元人民币 D.许某作为一名大学应届毕业生,积极响应政府号召,参加了中国人民解放军 [单选题]3~10kV避雷器的外间隙电极,不应( )安装。
A.垂直 B.水平 C.或角度 D.都可以 [单项选择]北沙参的别名是
A. 紫河车 B. 草河车 C. 空沙参 D. 东沙参 E. 潞党参 [单项选择]小儿五指末节的罗纹面的诸穴大都以旋推为补,直推为清,除了:
A. 脾经 B. 心经 C. 肾经 D. 肝经 E. 肺经 [多项选择]城市的不同发展时期与主导产业是什么
A. 前工业社会、工业社会和后工业社会,主导产业依次为第一产业、第三产业和第二产业 B. 前工业社会、工业社会和后工业丰_卜会,主导产业依次为第二产业、第一产业和第三产业 C. 前工业社会、工业社会和后工业社会,主导产业依次为第一产业、第二产业和第三产业 D. 前工业社会、工业社会和后工业社会,主导产业依次为第三产业、第二产业和第一产业 [填空题]发现井涌关闭防喷器后,应记录的两个压力:()、()。
A.十二指肠溃疡 B.反流性食管炎 C.球后溃疡 D.胃溃疡 E.胃癌 [单选题]链条葫芦的吊钩、链轮、倒卡等有变形时,以及链条直径磨损量达( )时,禁止使用。
A.4% B.6% C.8% D.10% [单选题]在高压室内的二次接线和照明回路工作,需将高压设备停电或做安全措施时应使用()。
A.第一种工作票 B.第二种工作票 C.口头指令 [单项选择]内容涉及时问较长,范围较广。宜采用的计划文种为()
A. 要点 B. 规划 C. 方案 D. 安排 [单选题]双相型真菌在培养基上形成酵母型菌落的培养温度是
A.25℃ B.28℃ C.35℃ D.37℃ E.41℃ [判断题]使用机械清分时,对退钞口退出的现金,需要调换面向,再清分一次,若仍在退钞口出现的,辨明真伪后,可直接纳入不可清分处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]B-C-B-004 4 2 3
《铁路车辆送往车辆段检修车间》是( )。 A.车统-16 B.车统-17 C.车统-18 D.车统-19 [单项选择]ISO9000标准起源于下列哪个国家?()
A. 英国 B. 美国 C. 法国 D. 瑞士 [单项选择]一般来说,苷类化合物不易溶于
A. 甲醇 B. 乙醇 C. 含水甲醇 D. 含水正丁醇 E. 石油醚 [不定项选择题]A.葡萄球菌
A.链球菌 B.肺炎链球菌 C.脑膜炎球菌 D.淋球菌 E.有典型的荚膜结构的是 [单选题](单选题)光伏设备设施巡视应满足以下要求:( )及以上大风等恶劣天气或夜间照明不足时,不应巡视室外光伏发电设备设施。
A.4级 B.5级 C.6级 D.7级 [简答题]混凝土浇筑自由落差?
[单选题]有权领取股利的股东资格登记截止日期是( )。
A.股利宣告日 B.股权登记日 C.除息日 D.股利支付日 [单选题]用检现场进行检查测试时,应实行( )制度,确保人身与设备安全。
A.工作许可 B.工作票 C.工作间断、转移 D.工作监护 [单选题]单选题:( )开展一次消防站区域内道路、水源熟悉的工作,掌握本区域基本情况。
A.每周 B.每月 C.每季度 D.每年 我来回答: 提交