Educators know that teaching students
to write well is not easy. One problem is the amount of time needed to
{{U}} (1) {{/U}} large {{U}} (2) {{/U}} of work. So some companies
have developed computer programs. These can {{U}} (3) {{/U}} student
writing much more quickly than a human can. Writing tests can also cost
{{U}} (4) {{/U}} to {{U}} (5) {{/U}} by computer than by
paper-and-pencil. These computer systems are known as e-raters. They use artificial intelligence to think in a way {{U}} (6) {{/U}} teachers. In the state of Indiana, computer grading of a statewide {{U}} (7) {{/U}} test began with a {{U}} (8) {{/U}} of the system itself. For two years, both a computer and humans graded the student writing. Officials say there was almost no difference between the computer grades and {{U}} (9) {{/U}} given by the {{U}} (10) {{/U}} A. listen to B. understand C. hear D. read [单项选择]知识分子热的典型表现是出版物的()。这些年,大凡书名中有“知识分子”字样的,都成为图书市场上的热门图书。
A. 繁荣 B. 流行 C. 繁多 D. 畅销 [多选题]中国梦的本质是( )。
A.国家富强 B.民族振兴 C.人民幸福 D.世界团结 [单项选择]
M: Vienna Straus Festival Orchestra is coming next week, giving a concert in Beijing on October 12 at the Beijing Concert Hall. A. In Vienna. B. In Beijing. C. On the Great Wall. [单选题]通过烟的( )等特征,消防人员可以大致判断燃烧物质的种类、火灾阶段、火势蔓延方向等。
A.温度、浓度 B.颜色变化 C.扩散范围 D.气味、颜色、浓度、流动方向 [单项选择]一个人到底是做出好的行为还是做出坏的行为,跟他生命的长短有关。如果他只活一天的话,他去偷人家的东西就是最好的,因为他不会遭受担心被抓住的痛苦。对于还能活20年的人来说,偷人家的东西就不是最好的,因为他会遭受担心被抓住的痛苦。如果以下各项陈述为真,除了哪项之外,都能削弱上述论证
A. 只有遭受担心被抓住的痛苦,才不会去偷人家的东西。 B. 对于只活一天的人来说,最好的行为可能是饱餐一顿牛肉。 C. 生命的长短不是一个人选择做出好行为或坏行为的充分条件。 D. 对于某些偷人家东西的人来说,良心的谴责会造成比担心被抓住更大的痛苦。 [单选题]某上市公司的股价为10元,税前利润为0.5元,税后利润为0.4元,每股股息为0.2元,此股票的市盈率是()倍。
A.20 B.25 C.50 D.60 [单选题]以下关于施工旁站说法正确的是()
A.机电中心责任施工“区间水泵检修”,应由当班值班站长进行旁站监督 B.车务二中心责任施工“屏蔽门清洁作业”,应由保洁领班进行旁站监督 C.A1、A2类施工必须安排专业人员进行旁站监督,A3施工可根据施工重要程度选择安排旁站监督。 D.工程部责任施工“区间堵漏”,应由委外维修单位经理进行旁站监督 [单项选择]Our new director is much younger than his ______, who is already 50 years old.
A. successor B. precedent C. predecessor D. offspring [多项选择]当一个舆情事件爆发时,我们应该哪些角度的网评类稿子?()
A. 直接解读 B. 官方文章 C. 花絮评论 D. 情感倾诉 E. 以上都是 [单项选择]以下程序的功能是:建立一个带有头结点的单向链表,并将存储在数组中的字符依次转储到链表的各个结点中,请从与下画线处号码对应的一组选项中选择正确的选项。
#include <stdio.h> struct node char data; struct node *next; ; (48) CreatList(char *s) struct node *h, *p, *q; h=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); p=q=h; while (*s!=’/0’ ) p=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); p->data= (49) ; q->next=p; q= (50) ; s++; p->next=’/0’; return h ; main( ) char str[]="link list"; struet node *head ; head=CreatList(str) ; … A. char * B. stmct node C. struct node* D. char [判断题]处罚原则要求行政处罚必须依法进行。( )
Since ancient times, people have dreamed of leaving their home planet and exploring other worlds. In the later half of the 20th century, that dream became reality. The space age began with the launch of the first artificial satellites in 1963. A human first went into space in 1963. Since then, astronauts and cosmonauts have ventured into space for ever greater lengths of time, even living aboard orbiting space stations for months on end. Two dozen people have circled the moon or walked on its surface. At the same time, robotic explorers have journeyed where humans could not go, visiting all but one of the solar system’s major worlds. Unpiloted spacecraft have also visited a host of minor bodies such as moons, comets, and asteroids. These explorations have sparked the advance of new technologies, from rockets to communications equipment to computers. Spacecraft studies have yielded a bounty of scientific discoveries about the solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, and the unive 我来回答: 提交