Our country has many chances for adults who want to make their lives better. There are public schools you can attend. In the schools, you can take things (1) English, arithmetic and history, you can find classes in almost (2) subjects you want to study. You may want to (3) to type, sew, paint or fix TV sets. You may want to learn (4) about the trade you are already in. You may want to get a high school diploma. You may (5) want to go to college. All it takes is time and effort. In many cities, there are adult classes in (6) schools. You can attend many of these classes without (7) to pay money. In some schools you may have to pay a small fee. There are (8) many kinds of private schools for adults, where you may have to pay more money. Many job chances are (9) to those who wish to work. It helps if you know (10) than one language. There are good (11) for interpreters and typists who know English. There
A. jobs
B. schools
C. works
D. wishes
On a patch of grass on the outskirts of Delhi, 15
young Indian men and women are clapping their hands and punching the air. Sweat
is dripping from their faces in the morning sun. "No.1 forever," they shout in
unison. "We are the Champions." Welcome to employee-motivation training, Korean-style. It’s a far cry from what Indian employees are accustomed to. But when LG, the Korean consumer products giant, entered the Indian market in 1997, its managing director, Kwang-Ro Kim, decided that the way to success was to empower employees and, as he puts it, give them "aggressive targets that change their way of thinking." Kim, still in charge, also set ou A. He would be passionate about training his team members. B. Shouting exercises would not work On him. C. Stress would make people to tap their potential to the full. D. He would have joined in the games if he was not punished; [单项选择]
从家电、住房到汽车消费,很长一段时间,我国居民消费需求呈现出明显的模仿型排浪式特征,消费热点比较集中。目前,模仿型排浪式消费阶段基本结束,个性化、多样化消费渐成主流。这意味着() A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①③ D. ②④ [简答题]
有一宗“七通一平”待开发建筑用地,面积为1000m2,使用期限为50年,容积率为5,拟开发建设写字楼,建设期为2年,建筑费用为3500元/m2,专业费用为建筑费用的10%,建筑费用和专业费用在整个建设期内均匀投入,写字楼建成后拟对外出租,租金水平预计为2元/(m2·日),管理费用为年租金的2%,维修费用为建筑费用的1.5%,保险费用为建筑费用的0.2%,税金为年租金的17.5%,贷款利率为6%,房地产综合还原利率为7%,开发商要求的利润率为地价和开发成本(建筑费用+专业费用)之和的20%,试评估该宗地地价。 [多选题]自主可控新一代二次系统二次设备模型应包括( )、智能录波器、交直流系统等。
A.测控类设备 B.保护类设备 C.安全自动装置 D.计量类设备 [单选题]电缆试验需拆除接地线时,应在征得()的许可后方可进行。
A.工作负责人 B.工作许可人 C.专责监护人 D.工作票签发人 [填空题]我省有两条大的分水岭:一条沿()--()--(),呈()向,是()与()的分水线,另一条沿()--()--()--(),呈()向,是()与()、()的分水线。
[多选题]突发中毒事件特征:( ) 。
A.突发.聚集 B.人员众多 C.后果严重 D.危害相似. [判断题]较大安全风险系指可能导致人员伤亡,或其它列车冲突、脱轨、火灾、爆炸,或较大经济损失,或引起媒体和公众普遍关注的安全风险。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]智能变电站防误闭锁分为以下哪几个层次:( )。
A.站控层闭锁 B.间隔层联闭锁 C.过程层闭锁 D.机构电气闭锁 [判断题]通过幻灯片浏览视图,可以改变幻灯片之间的切换效果。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]采用二级分级保护时,第一级距终端杆为( )米。
A.100 B.150-200 C.150 D.200 [多选题]根据《宪法》的规定,除因国家安全和追查刑事犯罪的需要,由( )依照法律规定的程序对通信进行检查外,任何组织或者个人不得以任何理由侵犯公民的通信自由和通信秘密。
A.通信主管部门 B.公安机关 C.检察机关 D.人民法院 [单项选择]在考核临床疗效的一项实验设计中,下列哪项是不恰当的
A. 需要设立比较组 B. 分组要遵循随机化的原则 C. 要有明确的疗效判断标准 D. 必须使观察者和研究对象清楚分组情况 E. 要使研究对象从实验中获益 我来回答: 提交