Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness What do the experts say All in all, it was probably a mistake to look for the answer to the eternal question--"Does money buy happiness "--from people who practice what’s called the gloomy science. For when economists tackled the question, they started from the observation that when people put something up for sale they try to get as much for it as they can, and when people buy something they try to pay as little for it as they can. Both sides in the transaction, the economists noticed, are therefore behaving as if they would be more satisfied, or happier, dare we say, if they ended up receiving more money (the seller) or holding on to more money (the buyer). Hence, more money must be better than less, and the only way more of something can be bet A. reveal that rich people often lie to the public B. illustrate further that money can buy happiness C. show richness does not necessarily make people happy D. show rich people are less happy than poor ones [单项选择]塞利认为压力的生理反应过程分成的三个阶段是指()
A. 警告期、适应期和解决期 B. 反应期、无效期和衰竭期 C. 警告期、抵抗期和衰竭期 D. 拒绝期、抵抗期和适应期 E. 确认期、适应期和解决期 [单选题]金属线槽的所有非导电部分的金属要成为一连续导体,并做好整体()。A.接地 B.绝缘 C.导电 D.固定
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]汽车行驶中产生震动,对人体具有一定的影响,汽车的振动频率越高,人的感觉就越不舒适。:
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]合资企业的安全生产投入资金由( )予以保证。
A. 经理 B. 厂长 C. 董事会 D. 投资者 [单项选择]女性,28岁,2小时前因车祸伤及胸腹部,自诉头晕、心慌、口渴。查体:面色苍白,四肢厥冷、额部渗汗,左上腹见皮肤瘀斑,左上腹及中下腹均有压痛,轻度反跳痛,腹肌稍紧张,血压50/100mmHg,心率132次/分。为明确诊断,首先要做的检查是()
A. 急查血常规 B. 腹部B超 C. 胸、腹部X线片 D. 胸、腹CT E. 腹部穿刺 [不定项选择题]下列不是区间水泵无法远程开启的能原因有( )
A.区间设备未送电 B.现场水泵设备异常 C.现场控制开关打到就地位 D.信号故障 [判断题]安全帽使用时,应将下颏带系好,防止工作中前倾后仰或其他原因造成滑落。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]教师在讲授朗读技巧与朗读情感表达时,举例说明汉语中儿化音具有表达亲切、喜爱情感,表示轻、微、小等意义的特点,以下不符合要求的一项是( )。
A.朵儿 B.妻儿 C.米粒儿 D.铁丝儿 [单选题]下列场所中,可不设置防烟系统的是( )
A.防烟楼梯间 B.消防电梯前室 C.避难层 D.疏散走道 我来回答: 提交