{{B}}Principles of Governing
Persuasion{{/B}} If leadership consists of getting things done through others, then persuasion is one of the leader’s essential tools. Many executives have assumed that this tool is beyond their grasp, available only to the charismatic (有魅力的) and the eloquent. Over the past several decades, though, experimental psychologists have learned which methods reliably lead people to concede, comply, or change. Their research shows that persuasion is governed by several principles that can be taught and applied. The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar to them than someone who is not. Wise managers, then, ask peers to help make their cases. Second, people are more willing to cooperate with those who are not only like them but who like them, as well. S [单选题]( )进行一次叶片检查,重点检查叶片表面有无裂纹、破损及雷击痕迹, 叶片内部主梁、副梁和蒙皮连接处是否存在发白、裂纹、褶皱、鼓包、粘接开裂的缺陷,发现异常后应及时进一步检查处理。[1分]
A.每 3 个月; B.每半年; C.每年; D.每两年。 [单项选择]一侧脑部恶性胶质瘤术后常规放射治疗多采用下列哪种布野?()
A. 三野 B. 两侧野 C. 一前野+一侧野 D. 一后野+一侧野 E. 一侧野+顶野 [单选题]《新疆出入境边防检查总站安全工作规定(试行)》明确,安全工作应当贯彻预防为主的方针,坚持()的理念。
A.管队伍先管民警、抓安全先抓思想 B.管队伍先管安全、抓安全先抓责任 C.抓安全先抓枪弹、管队伍先管车辆 D.抓安全先抓民警、管队伍先管思想 [单项选择]与G蛋白偶联的受体是()
A. 环状受体 B. 跨膜受体 C. 催化性受体 D. 细胞核内受体 E. 胞质内受体 [单选题]统计行政处罚决定依法作出后,当事人对行政处罚决定不服申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的,行政处罚( ),但法律另有规定的除外。
A.无效 B.停止执行 C.按照新决定执行 D.不停止执行 [判断题]市政消火栓的保护半径不超过120米。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Officials at the McNeil Museum of International Art are announcing that the museum’s March exhibition is going to be something special. It’s all thanks to Mr. Antonio Garcia, one of the museum’s most active members and a man who has donated generously during fundralsers in the past.
His most recent contribution, however, has come not in the form of money but rather art itself. For most of his adult life, Mr. Garcia, a native of Colombia, has been collecting both traditional and contemporary works from around South America, including several hundred indigenous weavings from Bolivia. Now, he has gifted a significant portion of these, along with pieces from Peru and Ecuador, to the McNeil. The March exhibition will feature these new acquisitions. Additionally, Tom McClosky, the museum’s general curator, has organized a unique experience for museum members. On February 26, a guided tour will be provided by Mr. Garcia, who will share details about the artwork as well as personal s A. Peru B. Colombia C. Ecuador D. Bolivia [单选题]为了减少排污而损失的水量和热能,一般将连续排污水引入专用的扩容器,由于排污水在扩容器内压力骤降,部分可变成蒸汽,产生的蒸汽送往()。(1分)
A.A.汽包 B.B.除氧器 C.C.给水 D.D.省煤器进口联箱 [单选题]下列选项中,属于有限空间监护人职责的是()。
A.与作业者进行有效的操作作业、报警、撤离等信息沟通 B.确认作业单位是否具备有限空间作业安全生产条件 C.向有限空间设施运维管理单位提出作业申请 [单项选择]下列小儿心脏叩诊哪项是异常的()
A. 8个月婴儿心左界在左乳线外1.8cm B. 3岁小儿心左界在左乳线外1.5cm C. 4岁小儿心左界在左乳线外1.0cm D. 6岁小儿心左界在左乳线上 E. 12岁小儿心左界在左乳线内0.5cm [多选题]申请办理银关通担保支付业务的客户应具备以下基本条件
A.信用等级在BBB-级(含BBB-级)以上 B.无不良信用记录 C.经营情况、财务状况良好 D.能够提供符合农行规定要求的保证金及反担保 [单项选择]开发区内土地使用权的出让、转让,必须以建设项目为前提,以经批准的( )为依据。
A. 城市总体规划 B. 城乡规划行政主管部门核发的选址意见书 C. 修建性详细规划 D. 控制性详细规划 我来回答: 提交