Passage 2
Every year, the American Lung Association (ALA) releases its annual report card on smog, and every year it gives an "F" to over half the nation’s counties and cities. When ALA’s "State of the Air 2002" recently came out, dozens of credulous local journalists once again took the bait, ominously reporting that their corner of the nation received a failing grade. The national coverage was no better, repeating as fact ALA’s statement that it is "gravely concerned" about air quality, and neglecting to solicit the views of even one scientist with a differing view. Too bad, because this report card says a lot less about actual air quality than it does about the tactics and motives of the ALA.
The very fact that 60 percent of counties were giver an "F" seems to be alarmist. This is particularly tree given that smog levels have been trending downward for several decades. According to the Environment
A. its lack of opinions from experts
B. its focus on some irregular cases
C. its attempt to make up the date
D. its inconsistent smog standards
26-30 Which is safer--staying at home, traveling to work on public transport, or working in the office Surprisingly, each of these carries the same risk, which is very low: However, what about flying compared to working in the chemical industry Unfortunately, the former is 65 times riskier than the latter! In fact, the accident rate of workers in the chemical industry is less than that of almost any of human activity, and almost as safe as staying at home. The trouble with the chemical industry is that when things go wrong they often cause death to those living nearby. It is this which makes chemical accidents so newsworthy. Fortunately, they are extremely rare. The most famous ones happened at Texas City (1947), Flixborough (1974), Seveso (1976), Pemex (1984) and Bhopal (1984). Some of these are always in th A. to avoid any accidents we should not repair the facilities in chemical industry B. the local authorities should not be concerned with the production of the chemical industry C. all these accidents could have been avoided or controlled if effective measure had been taken D. natural gas stored in very large tanks is always safe [单项选择]我国生活饮用水水质卫生标准规定自来水中的游离性余氯不低于( )
A. 0.1mg/L B. 0.2mg/L C. 0.3mg/L D. 0.5mg/L E. 0.06mg/L [判断题]发生员工事故达到重伤,主责工段主要负责人要受到行政记过处分。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]各车间对山坡、堑坡、隧道仰坡、危石、危土,路基裂缝、溜坍、严重下沉,桥涵淤塞、锥体下沉损坏、基础严重冲刷及排水设施破损等汛期可能危及行车安全必须立即整治的处所,及时上报()。同时充分考虑铁路周边环境变化,把整治和()作为防洪预抢工作的主要内容。
A. 出纳人员 B. 会计主管 C. 注册会计师 D. 财务总监 [填空题]回流的作用是补充塔板上易挥发组分,使每一塔板上()保持恒定。
[判断题] 除公安机关及其人民警察收集的证据外,其他证据不得作为治安管理处罚的根据
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]患儿第一胎,第一产,足月自然娩出,出生体重2600g,体检未见异常,出生后7小时发现患儿面部躯干部发黄,20小时转入儿科,其母血红蛋白38g/L,有输血历史。
A.静滴白蛋白 B.纠正酸中毒 C.光疗 D.换血 E.静脉高营养、脂肪乳 [多选题]当变压器有哪些情况时须立即停止运行:()。
A.油色不正常(隔膜式油枕除外)或油内有碳质等杂物 B.套管严重破损和放电 C.由于漏油致使油位不断下降或低于下限 D.因变压器内部故障引起差动保护动作 [单项选择]下列不能对多媒体文档进行编辑的是()。
A. 写字板 B. 画图 C. 记事本 D. WORD [单项选择]为了更好地了解双足局部病灶的解剖定位,需做()。
A. 双足骨显像 B. TOD(tail on the detector)位像 C. 下胸椎和腰椎后斜位像 D. 胸部前斜位像 E. 双臂抬高胸部后位像 [多选题]救生照明线适用于( )。
A.浓烟场所 B.无照明场所 C.水下作业 D.有毒及易燃易爆气体环境 [多项选择]甲借用了乙的煤气罐,甲因急用钱便将该煤气罐以自己的名义卖给了民工丙,丙在使用过程中,煤气罐发生爆炸,致使自己受伤。经查,煤气罐因质量问题导致煤气泄漏,遇明火发生爆炸。煤气罐已过保质期。下列哪些表述是正确的
A. 甲与丙之间的买卖合同有效 B. 甲的行为是无权处分行为 C. 丙取得煤气罐的所有权 D. 甲应对丙所受损害负赔偿责任 [单选题]装运危险货物的集装箱按《铁路货物运价规则》规定适用两种加成率时,适用( )。
A. 两种加成率相加的加成率 B. 其中较大的一种加成率 C. 其中较小的一种加成率 D. 其中任何一种 [单项选择]胆囊解剖分区不包括()。
A. 底部 B. 颈部 C. 体部 D. 哈氏(Hartman)囊 E. 胆囊管 [判断题]行政机关受理或者不予受理行政许可申请,应当及时口头告知或者出具加盖本行政机关专用印章和注明日期的书面凭证。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交