"She was married to an officer in India
long ago and she had a life of physical adventure as exciting as her poetry. Her
husband could cross rivers, using crocodiles (鳄鱼) as stepping stones. He died
when she was only thirty-nine. Unwilling to exist without him, she took her
life, leaving a son in England." I stared at the paper, {{U}} (36) {{/U}}reading, couldn’t help thinking. Crocodiles are lazy animals as a rule, but they can{{U}} (37) {{/U}}like lightning when they want to. And they don’t mind hurrying{{U}} (38) {{/U}}they’re hungry. There used to be lots in Indian rivers, living on fish mostly, but what’s a little fish{{U}} (39) {{/U}}a fifteen-toot crocodile They are people, fisherman or anyone else delicious enough to get too near; women doing the{{U}} (40) {{/U}} or A. in B. on C. to D. for [单选题]184.()是一种为了实现与编程语言无关的对象而制定的标准,该标准将Windows下的对象定义为独立单元,可不受程序限制地访问这些单元。
A.COM B.OPC C.PLC D.RTU [判断题]当单台离心泵的扬程足够,而流量不足时,可采用两台同型号的泵并联来提高流量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者入院后制定的护理措施不恰当的是( )
A.取仰卧位,头偏向一侧 B.鼻饲25%葡萄糖供给热量 C.如有便秘及时用肥皂水灌肠 D.每日入液量以尿量加1000ml为标准 E.必要时使用约束带 [单选题]机车走行公里是指( )实际走行公里或换算走行的公里数。P45T214
A.支配机车章 B.运用机车章 C.本务机车 [单选题]进行分布式电源相关设备操作的人员应有与现场设备和运行方式相符的(),现场设备应具有明显操作指示,便于操作及检查确认。
A.设备接线图 B.保护接线图 C.现场模拟图 D.系统接线图 E./ F./ [判断题]初期雨水呈碱性,应通知现场巡检将初期雨水导入1#酸水池。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]教学原则
A.A.重新履行工作许可手续 B.B.办理新的工作票 C.C.重新布置安全措施 D.D.重新对工作班组成员交待安全措施 [单项选择]若要求分解既具有无损连接性,又保持函数依赖,则模式分解( )。
A. 可以达到BCNF B. 可以达到3NF,也能达到BCNF C. 不能达到3NF D. 可以达到3NF,但不一定能达到BCNF [单项选择]企业通过联合可以?()
A. 降低生产成本 B. 拓宽市场渠道 C. 获得广泛支持 D. 降低交际费用 [单项选择]以原发性DNA损伤为检测终点的致突变试验是
A. UDS试验 B. Ames试验 C. 基因正向突变试验 D. 微核试验 E. 染色体畸变试验 [单项选择]下列关于商业银行的资本作用的表述,错误的是()。
A. 满足银行正常经营对短期资金的需要 B. 吸收损失 C. 限制银行业务过度扩张和承担风险 D. 维持市场信心 [简答题]物流费用按物流功能分类可分为哪些类别?
A.A、可靠性高 B.B、灵活性 C.C、简单清晰,操作方便,不易发生误操作 D.D、较经济,有扩建的可能性 [多选题] 关于高压试验现场,以下说法正确的是()。
A.试验现场应装设遮栏或围栏 B.遮栏或围栏与试验设备高压部分应有足够的安全距离 C.遮栏或围栏上应向外悬挂“止步,高压危险!”的标示牌,并派人看守 D.被试设备两端不在同一地点时,另一端还应派人看守 [多项选择]公文是一种特殊的文体,这种特殊性表现在( )。
A. 采用白话文形式 B. 具有真实性、合法性 C. 具有规范性、相对确定性 D. 用议论、说明、叙述多种方式表达 [单选题]在整流变压器空载且电源电压过零时一次侧切断电源时,可在二次侧感应出正常( )以上的瞬间过电压。
A.有效电压6倍 B.峰值电压6倍 C.峰值电压3倍 D.有效电压3倍 [判断题]汽轮机房、氨区,没人的时候可以抽烟。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对业务受理政策落实情况进行稽查。目前,业务受理政策包含(____)。
A.“一口对外” B.“首问负责制” C.“一证受理” D. “一次性告知” E.“同城受理” [不定项选择题]共用题干
Don't Count on Dung Conservationists(自然保护主义者)may be miscalculating the numbers of the threatened animals such as elephants,say African and American researchers.The error occurs because of a flaw in the way they estimate animal numbers from the piles of dung (粪)the creatures leave behind. The mistake could lead researchers to think that there are twice as many elephants as there really are in some regions,according to Andrew Plumptre of the Wildlife Conservation Society(WCS)in New York. Biologist Katy Payne of Cornell University in Ithaca,New York,agrees.“We really need to know elephant numbers and the evidence that we have is quite indirect,"says Payne,who electronically tracks elephants. Counting elephants from planes is impossible in the vast rainforests of Central Africa. So researchers often estimate elephant numbers by counting dung piles in a given area. They also need to know the rate at which dung decays.Because it's extremely difficult to determine these rates,however,researchers counting elephants in one region tend to rely on standard decay rates established elsewhere. But researchers at the WCS have found that this decay rate varies from region to region depending on the climate and environment.Using the wrong values can lead the census astray(离开正道),says Plumptre. He and his colleague Anthony Chifu Nchanji studied decaying elephant dung in the forests of Cameroon.They found that the dung decayed between 55 and 65 per cent more slowly than the dung in the rainforests of neighbouring Gabon.If researchers use decay rates from Gabon to count elephants in Cameroon,they would probably find more elephants than are actually around. This could mean estimates in Cameroon are at least twice as high as those derived from decay rates calculated locally,says Plumptre."However accurate your dung density estimate might be,the decay rate can severely affect the result.'' Plumptre also says that the dung-pile census should be carried out over a region similar in size to an elephant's natural range.The usual technique of monitoring only small, protected areas distorts numbers because elephants move in and out of these regions,he says."If the elephant population increases within the protected area,you can not determine whether it is a real increase or whether it is due to elephants moving in because they are being poached(入侵偷猎)outside." Plumptre says that similar problems may also affect other animal census studies that rely on indirect evidence such as nests,tracks or burrows(地洞). The first word"He"in paragraph 6 refers to A.Andrew Plumptre. B.Katy Payne. C.Anthony Chifu Nchanji. D.the writer of the article. [单选题]额定电压为220V的灯泡接在110V电源上,灯泡的功率是原来的( )。(难)
A.4 B.1/4 C.1/2 D.2 [判断题]脚制动用于车辆行驶中的减速或停车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]螺纹道钉硫磺锚固,硫磺纯度为()及以上。
A.85% B.80% C.90% D.95% [判断题]运动操作倒闸作业票应由铁路供电调度填写。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]居民企业五林公司取得2019年居民企业乙公司发行的永续债利息收入20万,下列选项说法中正确的有( )。
A.五林公司取得永续债的利息收入20万为免税收入 B.乙公司发行的永续债利息收入20万不得进行税前扣除 C.五林公司取得永续债的利息收入20万为征税收入 D.乙公司发行的永续债利息收入20万可进行税前扣除 [判断题]合同结算系统费用分摊时可选任意井号分配费用,无需按照实际发生单井进行分摊
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于疗效不确、不良反应大或者其他原因危害人体健康的药品,应当()
A. 组织专业人员对其进行再评价 B. 通报媒体让全社会对其视为假药 C. 报告药品监督管理部门按劣药处理 D. 由药品监督管理部门监督销毁 E. 撤销其批准文号或进口药品注册证书 [单项选择]利多卡因用于局部浸润麻醉一次限量为()
A. 100mg B. 200mg C. 300mg D. 400mg E. 500mg [单项选择]
A. 11780 B. 24340 C. 21488.94 D. 21570.84 [判断题]数字频率表能够精确地测量频率和周期。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]脚踏杠杆是脚踏式制动机()部分的部件之一。
A.控制机构 B.绕链机构 C.杠杆传动机构 D.壳体 [单选题]农药是指用于预防、控制危害农业、林业的( )和其他有害生物以及有目的地调节植物、昆虫生长的化学合成或者来源于生物、其他天然物质的一种物质或者几种物质的混合物及其制剂。
A.病虫 B.病、虫 C.病、虫、草、鼠 D.灾害 [判断题]从开关板到焊机的导线并非愈短愈好。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交