{{I}}Questions 21~24 are based on the following news
from the BBC or the VOA. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20
seconds to answer the two questions. Now listen to the news.{{/I}} |
{{B}}Building Your
Career{{/B}} At one time in the United States, joining an organization meant you would most likely be employed with that same organization for life. You would start at the bottom step of the hierarchy and, through seniority, climb the ladder to success. Today the average person beginning a career in the United States will probably work in tan or more jobs for five or more employers before retiring. So getting a job after graduation is only one step toward bu [单项选择]
CARDIFF, Wales. Poets, singers and musicians from across the globe gathered in Wales to celebrate the tradition of storytelling. [单项选择]在数据传送方式中,DMA方式与中断方式相比,主要优点是( )。
A. 传送速度快 B. CPU可以分时工作 C. 传送程序简单 D. CPU不必查询I/OH状态 [简答题]高压系统升温时,为什么TR09203需达到160℃?
A.逐相 B.保证一点 C.单相 D.三相 [多选题]下列关于智能变电站一体化监控系统双机双网切换,描述正确的是( )。
A.主服务器发生故障后,监控系统不能丢失事件 B.主服务器发生故障后监控系统不允许有冗余事件 C.A/B网切换,不能丢失事件 D.A/B网切换,监控不允许有重复电网告警信息 [判断题]根据《调度集中监控告警信息相关缺陷分类标准》,500kV变压器油位异常应列危急缺陷。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配股的股权登记日为()日。
A.T-1 B.T C.T+1 D.T+2 [单选题]人的不安全行为与物的不安全状态是造成事故的()原因。
A.直接 B.间接 C.根本 D.深层次 [单项选择]外推预测的基本假设前提是()
A. 未来是可预测的 B. 人是有推导能力的 C. 过去的趋势会向未来延续 D. 政策的既有信息是可延续的 [判断题]根据相关文件的规定,民航空中安全保卫人员勤务派遣等级的确定、发布和撤销工作由民航局公安局负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]水泵的有效汽蚀余量与水泵的安装位置有关。()
[单选题]对采用自然通风的民用建筑工程,进行室内环境污染物浓度检测时,应在外门窗关闭至少( )后进行。
A.1H B.5H C.12H D.24H [多选题]根据《防震减灾法》,防震减灾工作应当坚持下列哪些方针( )。
A..预防为主 B.防御与救助相结合 C.以人为本 D.统一高效 我来回答: 提交