Quality{{/B}} A new anti-cheating system for counting the judges’ scores in ice skating is flawed, according to leading sports specialists. Ice skating’s governing body announced the new rules last week after concerns that a judge at the Winter Olympics may have been unfairly influenced. Initially the judges in the pairs figure-skating event at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City voted 5 to 4 to give the gold medal to a Russian pair, even though they had a fall during their routine. But the International Skating Union suspended the French judge for failing to reveal that she had been put under pressure to vote for the Russians. The International Olympics Committee then decided to give a second gold to the Canadian runners-up (亚军). The ISU, skating’s go A. The number of judges will be doubled. B. Only half of the judges will score. C. Only some selected judges will score. D. Only half of the scores will count. [判断题]在野外无法躲入有防雷设施的建筑物内时,要将手表、眼镜等金屑物品摘掉,千万不要在离电源、大树和电杆较近的地方避雨。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]个人抵押授信贷款提前还款一般采取的还款方式是( )。
A. 等额本息 B. 等额本金 C. 委托扣款 D. 柜台还款 [单项选择]辉绿岩板和管材衬里是由辉绿岩石熔融铸成的,它的主要成分是( ),是一种黑色的质地密实的材料。
A. 二氧化硫 B. 人造石墨 C. 硅质胶泥 D. 二氧化硅 [简答题]
[简答题]XDD0301H011Y 简述倒闸操作的步骤。12分)
A.上颈髓损伤 B.中颈髓损伤 C.下颈髓损伤 D.胸髓损伤 E.脊髓损伤 [判断题]火场指挥部可根据火场具体情况,下设作战组、通信组、后勤保障组。()
[多选题]根据《宪法》的规定,全国人民代表大会可以制定和修改哪些法律?( )
A.刑事基本法律 B.民事基本法律 C.国家机构的基本法律 D.其他的基本法律 [单项选择]The best title for this passage might be ______.
A. The Representatives of Government B. Social Science and Public Opinion C. Social Science that Shape Society, Culture, and Politics D. Social-scientific understanding and Political Liberalism [多选题]钢筋调直到末端时,操作人员应避开,以防钢筋短头舞动伤人,直径为()mm的钢筋调直,应低速加工。
A.6 B.8 C.9 D.16 [单选题]根据《志愿服务条例》和《中国注册志愿者管理办法》,以下( )说法是正确的。
A.注册志愿者年龄不得低于18岁 B.志愿者必须通过志愿组织进行注册 C.如果志愿者因故不能按照约定提供志愿服务的,应当及时告知志愿服务组织或者志愿服务对象 D.志愿者不得领取补贴,但可以适当对服务对象收取费用 [单项选择]强酸、强碱等化学药品及强紫外线可导致()。
A. 头昏 B. 失眠 C. 皮肤溃烂 [单选题] 风险资产管理系统通过 ( )查看全部审批流程?
A.点击待办事宜 B.点击工作提示 C.点击流程监控 D.点击我的不良信贷资产 [单项选择]In his youth, Knute Axelbrod wanted to learn many languages, to know everything about human history , to (67) wise by reading great books. When he first came from Europe (68) the state of North Dakota, he worked in a mill all day (69) studied all evening. Then he met Lena Wesselius and (70) her at the age of eighteen. After that there was a farm to pay for, and there were children to (71) . For many years Axelbrod had no time to study. : !.
Finally he had a farm (72) was free from debt, with good soil and plenty of animals. But (73) then he was sixty-three years old and ready(it seemed) to die. His wife was (74) . His sons had grown (75) and gone away. His work was done. He was (76) and alone. Axelbrod’s daughter and (77) begged him to live with them, but he (78) . "No," he said, "You must l A. bring B. rear C. raise D. feed [单选题]飞机保持磁航向225°沿磁航线角230°的航线作向台飞行,测得电台磁方位角为223°,则:
A.飞机偏左,偏离角为-7° B.飞机偏左,偏航角为-7° C.飞机偏右,偏离角为+7° D.飞机偏右,偏航角为+7° [判断题]消防救援人员要牢记各类灾害事故处置安全规定和操作规程,不得违规作业,每名救援人员都有纠正他人危险作业行为的权利和义务,严禁违反规程。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]棉40%、亚麻35%、涤纶短纤25%混纺精梳单纱,细度30特,绕在纱管上总重500克
[判断题]( )UM71轨道电路的简单等电位线为两条线路之间连接一条横向连接线,连接线不接地。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交